Pets & Animal: Why Buy Pet Insurance?

Why Buy Pet Insurance?

Laura Bennett FSA CFA, co-founder of Embrace Pet Insurance and Guest Author on this site says that she "never used to be the kind of person that buys pet insurance." What changed her mind, and why did she go on to start a pet insurance company? See what she has to say about pet insurance,

Pets & Animal: Diseases Common to Boxer Dogs

Diseases Common to Boxer Dogs

Boxerboxer image by Otmar Smit from Fotolia.comIf you are a boxer owner or thinking of becoming one, the American Boxer Club has identified four diseases or health conditions specific to boxers that you should be aware of and has outlined diagnoses and treatments for them. For some of...

Pets & Animal: Signs and Symptoms of Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

Signs and Symptoms of Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

Your Labrador puppy may be predisposed to hip dysplasia.puppy image by SKYDIVECOP from Fotolia.comHip dysplasia occurs in young dogs when the animal's hip joint becomes disconnected from the top of its femur---the large bone of the upper leg. As the dog grows, the joint pocket changes and...

Pets & Animal: Seizures From Canine Multicentric Lymphoma

Seizures From Canine Multicentric Lymphoma

According to the Merck Veterinary Manual, multicentric lymphoma accounts for approximately 80% of lymphoma in dogs, making it the most common form of canine lymphoma. Multicentric lymphoma affects multiple lymph nodes in the body and when spreading, or metastasis, occurs, it can result in involvemen

Pets & Animal: Canine Arthritis Relief

Canine Arthritis Relief

According to the Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook, one in five dogs will develop arthritis. Dogs that are especially prone to getting arthritis include overweight dogs, older dogs, dogs that have suffered from injuries to their limbs, dogs that had hip dysplasia and larger breeds of dogs. Treati

Pets & Animal: Why Use Head Voice?

Why Use Head Voice?

Everyone should learn to use their head voice in order to improve their dynamic contrast, range, and much more.

Pets & Animal: What is a Vocal Onset?

What is a Vocal Onset?

The first moment of vocal sound is most important. There are three basic ways one can initiate vocal tone: aspirated, glottal, and coordinated.

Pets & Animal: How to Treat Addison's Disease in Dogs

How to Treat Addison's Disease in Dogs

Addison's disease in dogs occurs when a dog's adrenal glands produce less than a normal amount of hormones. These hormones help control the balance of sugar, salt and water in a dog's body. Symptoms of Addison's disease include poor eating habits, vomiting, diarrhea and weakness. Treat a dog's Addis

Pets & Animal: Why Do Dogs Drink Urine?

Why Do Dogs Drink Urine?

Urine licking and drinking does happen fairly frequently in dogs. There are a variety of reasons why dogs may drink urine, ranging from illness or some previously learned behavior. Although not the most appealing of habits, drinking urine isn't dangerous to the dog, according to It is i

Pets & Animal: Chronic Interstitial Cystitis in Dogs

Chronic Interstitial Cystitis in Dogs

Canine interstitial cystitis is when a dog's bladder and bladder wall are inflamed, but not because of infection. Sometimes it is called sterile recurring cystitis. Canine interstitial cystitis can be harder to treat than cystitis caused by bacterial infection.

Pets & Animal: Dog Vaccines & Titers

Dog Vaccines & Titers

The purpose of vaccinating dogs is to provide solid immunity against disease. Titers are one way of evaluating the level of protection achieved. Some veterinarians suggest that checking titers annually might alter vaccine protocols.

Pets & Animal: Natural Ways to Get Rid of Yeast in Pet Ears

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Yeast in Pet Ears

An ear infection can be painful for your dog.funny dog ears flap high retrieve vizsla run play image by Paul Retherford from Fotolia.comIf your dog is constantly scratching at its ear and an odor emanates from the itchy ear, it may have a yeast infection. A food allergy or the environment...

Pets & Animal: Strong Urine in Dogs

Strong Urine in Dogs

Strong urine in dogs can indicate a serious underlying medical condition. Prompt evaluation by a veterinarian will help determine the exact cause of the problem. An owner often notices the increased pungent aroma of a dog's urine when taking the canine outside to eliminate. The urine may appear dark

Pets & Animal: Canine Horners Disease

Canine Horners Disease

Horner's disease (more commonly known as Horner's syndrome) is a group of symptoms that occurs in dogs because of a neurological injury. It affects the muscles of the face by causing them to lose contact with facial nerves. The syndrome is not life-threatening or dangerous, though the appearance is

Pets & Animal: What Illnesses Can Cause a Dog to Salivate?

What Illnesses Can Cause a Dog to Salivate?

It is not uncommon for dogs with large and wrinkley heads to drool massively. That should not be mistaken for an on beach image by john barber from Fotolia.comThere are several types of illnesses that cause dogs to salivate. Most are oral diseases, however several serious...

Pets & Animal: Swimmer's Itch on Dogs

Swimmer's Itch on Dogs

Swimmer's itch is a skin disease caused by parasites. This term is used for the disease when found in humans; it is called canine schistosomiasis or water dermatitis when found in dogs. Though it is very similar to the swimmer's itch parasite, the canine bug is not the same. The parasite found in d

Pets & Animal: Signs of Coccidia in Dogs

Signs of Coccidia in Dogs

Coccidia are single-celled organisms that can make your puppy or dog mildly to fatally ill. Six genera of Coccidia can infect dogs, and within each genus are multiple species. The most common of these species to infect dogs are Isospora canis and Isospora ohioensis. However, Cryptosporidium parvum m

Pets & Animal: Symptoms of Kidney Failure in Dogs & Loss of Muscle Control

Symptoms of Kidney Failure in Dogs & Loss of Muscle Control

Renal failure in dogs is a natural part of image by Ferencz Teglas from Fotolia.comJust as in humans, a dog's kidneys work to eliminate waste and toxins from the body. Dogs of any breed or age can suddenly develop chronic renal failure, or kidney failure, but it is also a common...

Pets & Animal: Heat Stroke from Groomer Cage Dryer

Heat Stroke from Groomer Cage Dryer

Heat stroke is a danger in summer months, especially for pets left in parked cars. Another risk factor for heat stroke may not be so obvious: how your pet's hair is dried.