Pets & Animal: Natural Parasite Cleanse for Animals

Natural Parasite Cleanse for Animals

At some point in your pet's life, it will develop some kind of harmful parasite. Whether it be hook worm, ring worm or tape worm, some way of ridding your animal of these parasites is necessary. Whether you just want to save money or would rather not use prescription medications on your pet, a natur

Pets & Animal: Overview of Bladder Infections in Dogs

Overview of Bladder Infections in Dogs

Normally sterile, the urine can become infused with bacteria, resulting in a bladder infection. The bladder itself is a storage organ for urine. Veterinarian Holly Nash of Pet Education notes that at least 14 percent of all dogs will suffer from some type of urinary tract infection during their life

Pets & Animal: Kennel Cough Symptoms in Pugs

Kennel Cough Symptoms in Pugs

Kennel cough can be particularly dangerous for pugs.happy fawn pug image by Paul Hill from Fotolia.comPugs as a breed typically having trouble breathing. Add an infectious condition such as kennel cough to the mix, and you have a pug who has serious trouble breathing and is potentially in...

Pets & Animal: Evan's Disease in Dogs

Evan's Disease in Dogs

Evan's disease causes a dog's antibodies to attack their own red blood cells and platelets. The condition can cause acute anemia. It is known to sometimes go into spontaneous remission, followed by a relapse. This disease knows no boundaries, and is just as likely to occur in humans as in animals.

Pets & Animal: Home Remedy for Dog Sneezing

Home Remedy for Dog Sneezing

There are many reasons your dog may be sneezing. These include allergy, kennel cough, infection, foreign body in the nose and tumor. With allergies, the sneezing will be seasonal, and there will be discharge from both nostrils. Kennel cough, which is often equivalent to a human cold, will include a

Pets & Animal: The Breathing Habits of Pugs

The Breathing Habits of Pugs

Early Chinese breeders thought that a flat face and wrinkles brought good luck, and this is evident in the pug breed. Most dog breeds have a snout, but early pug breeders bred out the snout to produce a dog that was considered precious as well as lucky. Unfortunately, it is the pug's distinctive fac

Pets & Animal: Signs of Canine Seizures

Signs of Canine Seizures

Pets can have many of the same health problems as people, although their symptoms may not be the same. One of the most common health problems in dogs is seizures, according to Seizures are usually mild in dogs, and they usually feel no pain. Seizures have three...

Pets & Animal: Hibiscus Fungal Diseases

Hibiscus Fungal Diseases

The hibiscus is a hardy ornamental with species that grow as annuals and perennials. It thrives best in well-drained, slightly acidic locations that receive plenty of indirect sunlight and good air circulation. In the ideal conditions, the hibiscus is a vigorous grower and a heavy feeder that requir

Pets & Animal: Singing Without Throat Pain

Singing Without Throat Pain

Throat pain is caused by several factors, all of which result in overuse of the vocal cords.

Pets & Animal: Treatment for Periodontal Disease in Dog

Treatment for Periodontal Disease in Dog

Periodontal disease is an inflammation of the tissues and support structures of the teeth that can lead to bone loss. Toy breeds with crowded teeth are especially susceptible, as are dogs that groom themselves frequently, as hair becomes lodged in between the tooth and gum. Periodontal disease affec

Pets & Animal: Lyme Disease & Incontinence in Dogs

Lyme Disease & Incontinence in Dogs

Ticks may gross you out, but they can also cause a serious infection in your dog. Lyme disease can give your dog a lot of nasty side effects, including kidney disease and even death. It can also cause incontinence in more extreme cases, so it is important to treat this disease properly.

Pets & Animal: High Liver Enzyme Level in Dogs

High Liver Enzyme Level in Dogs

One of his hardest-working organs, your dog's liver has enormous reserves and won't show signs of damage until it's at about 30 percent capacity. Then his blood liver enzyme levels will rise as liver failure begins to affect his entire system.

Pets & Animal: Treatment of Autoimmune Diseases in Dogs

Treatment of Autoimmune Diseases in Dogs

Autoimmune diseases can strike dogs of any breed, however, they are common in the greyhound. They can make dogs ill and require long-term care. Some dogs can even die from such a disease. Since these conditions are thought to be inherited, it is not recommended to breed a dog that has been diagnosed

Pets & Animal: Canine Cystitis Treatments

Canine Cystitis Treatments

Proper treatment can clear up a bout of canine cystitis.The dog image by Beausoir from Fotolia.comCanine cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder and is usually caused by an infection from bacteria. Cystitis also can be caused by bladder stones, tumors or small pockets in the bladder...

Pets & Animal: Medications for Canine Liver Disease

Medications for Canine Liver Disease

Treatment for canine liver disease depends on the cause and severity of the disease.dogs image by Anton Chernenko from Fotolia.comThe liver is an important organ in overall body health. Its functions include storing glycogen, synthesizing plasma protein and detoxification of the body's...

Pets & Animal: Pancreatic Support for Dogs

Pancreatic Support for Dogs

A dog's pancreas releases digestive enzymes through the pancreatic duct into the small intestine, where they break down fat, carbohydrates and proteins. It also produces hormones including insulin, which helps with glucose absorption. When the pancreas produces too much or too little of an enzyme or

Pets & Animal: Different Types of Skin Rashes in Dogs

Different Types of Skin Rashes in Dogs

Dogs can develop rashes from a variety of image by Ramona smiers from Fotolia.comAt some point in even the healthiest dog's life, he will likely have some sort of illness or injury. One of the more common illnesses is a rash. Your dog can experience rashes for multiple reasons...

Pets & Animal: Canine Pyoderma Prevention

Canine Pyoderma Prevention

Pyoderma is a bacterial infection that affects the skin on canines. Both puppies and adult dogs can develop the condition. Red, itchy skin that contains lesions, pustules and draining sores are all characteristics of skin with pyoderma, according to the veterinary website Management of