Pets & Animal: Canine Electro Muscular Disorders

Canine Electro Muscular Disorders

Muscle disease in a family dog can be one of the most painful things to treat and watch. Often no treatment exists for these electro-muscular disorders, though on some occasions the symptoms may be mitigated and loss of muscle function halted. Owners who notice signs of weakness or abrupt...

Pets & Animal: Hypertension Medication Toxicity in Dogs

Hypertension Medication Toxicity in Dogs

Hypertension is the same thing as high blood pressure. Hypertension is just as serious in dogs as it is in humans and needs to be addressed with medication. The most common medication used in dogs is Enalapril. Toxicity can occur with Enalapril, but would require a large amount of medication.

Pets & Animal: Equine Cataracts

Equine Cataracts

If your horse seems to have a cloudy film in his eye (or eyes), or seems to have trouble seeing, he may have cataracts. Since horses learn to adapt to such problems, you may not notice the blindness until some time after it has developed.

Pets & Animal: The Viewer Viewpoint - Hurricane Update

The Viewer Viewpoint - Hurricane Update

And update and description of the local damage due to Hurricane Charley from Veterinary Medicine viewer Jodi Witte. Many animals are homeless and in need of help and donations.

Pets & Animal: Sheldon (Shelly) Rubin DVM

Sheldon (Shelly) Rubin DVM

Dr. Rubin has been a veterinarian for over 44 years. He is a contributing veterinary expert to this site, answering questions from viewers on a variety of pet health topics.

Pets & Animal: Home Remedies for Bladder Infection in Dogs

Home Remedies for Bladder Infection in Dogs

Home remedies are effective in treating your dog's bladder image by Michal Tudek from Fotolia.comBacteria, which enters the dog's bladder through the urethra, is the cause of most bladder infections in dogs. Because the urethra of female dogs is so close to the ground,...

Pets & Animal: The Viewer Viewpoint - Opinion Piece

The Viewer Viewpoint - Opinion Piece

A viewer-submitted piece outlining what the author feels are the pros and cons of her veterinary provider. This series of viewer-submitted thoughts and opinions examines what clients look for and find important when considering their pet's health care. This article series will also feature comm

Pets & Animal: Oliver's Pantry

Oliver's Pantry

Oliver the Cat's Weight Management Diary is a photo "project" examining Oliver the cat and his diet and exercise program. Bonnie Vengrow (my editor at adopted Oliver in August of 2008. I haven't met Oliver in person yet, but Bonnie is dedicated to making sure that Oliv

Pets & Animal: Canine Diabetes and Vomiting

Canine Diabetes and Vomiting

Diabetes can strike both people and canines. Overweight female dogs are more likely to become diabetic, though the disease is hereditary and passed through bloodlines. Vomiting is a late-stage symptom of diabetes, and should trigger a dog owner to seek treatment for his canine.

Pets & Animal: Canine Tooth Infections

Canine Tooth Infections

Dogs can suffer from tooth infections as a result of tartar build-up which may cause problems such as gingivitis, tooth abscesses and even tonsillitis. In order to prevent canine tooth infections, it is necessary to brush your dogs teeth and visit the veterinarian for regular dental cleanings. If yo

Pets & Animal: Eye Discharge in Canines

Eye Discharge in Canines

Dogs, like humans, may wake up after a long sleep with "sleepers" in their eyes. However, if you wipe the sleepers away and they continue to appear throughout the day, you should be concerned.

Pets & Animal: What to Give a Dog for Arthritis Pain

What to Give a Dog for Arthritis Pain

Arthritis is a condition where one or more joints in the body become inflamed due to the effects of the immune system or a breakdown of cartilage, the substance that insulates joints. In dogs, arthritis can cause severe joint pain that can limit mobility and requires treatment to maintain the animal

Pets & Animal: Benign Liver Tumors in Dogs

Benign Liver Tumors in Dogs

Dogs may develop tumors on the liver. A tumor may be malignant (cancerous) or benign (non-cancerous). While it can be unnerving for a dog owner to receive the news of a tumor on the liver of their beloved pet, many tumors of the liver are benign and require no further treatment.

Pets & Animal: Wound Infection Symptoms in Dogs

Wound Infection Symptoms in Dogs

Your dog is at risk of infection from any type of wound, whether from another dog's bite or an accident. Prolonged redness and swelling are just two of the warning signs that your dog's wound has become infected.

Pets & Animal: How to Help to Descend Testicles in Puppies

How to Help to Descend Testicles in Puppies

Occasionally, a puppy may reach 8 weeks of age without having both testicles descend into the scrotum. This condition is called cryptorchidism, or retained testicles. Cryptorchidism is a genetic condition that is passed on from father to son in dogs, and puppies with retained testicles should be neu

Pets & Animal: About Insulin Meters for Dogs

About Insulin Meters for Dogs

Insulin meters for adults and animals can be used to monitor a dog's blood sugar levels. A small drop of blood is all that is required to take your pet's reading. Pet meters are already adjusted for dogs. If you use a human insulin monitor, you may have to make minor adjustments and do comparisons b

Pets & Animal: How to Recognize an Addisonian Crisis

How to Recognize an Addisonian Crisis

Addisonian crisis, also known as acute adrenal crisis or failure, is a life-threatening condition that occurs when the adrenal gland fails to produce sufficient cortisol, a steroidal hormone. This condition is described by Kevin M Klauer, DO, FACEP as elusive and resulting in high rates of morbidity

Pets & Animal: Kidney Failure in Dogs and Protein in Food

Kidney Failure in Dogs and Protein in Food

Canine kidney failure is most commonly seen in aging dogs, but can also affect juvenile dogs. A low-protein diet may be recommended for your pet to help in limiting uremic toxins, along with a low-phosphorous diet to decelerate the disease. There is much controversy, as some studies show that a low

Pets & Animal: How To Find The Best Care For Your Pet When You Are Away

How To Find The Best Care For Your Pet When You Are Away

I am not a frequent traveler. I am not sure if this is because I prefer staying home or the fact that I have so many pets. I have to be honest; the single biggest stressor for me as a traveler is what to do with my pets! This article was written to be used as a checklist for finding the most suitabl