Health & Medical: Creatine Supplements

Creatine Supplements

A brief overview of creatine and guide to modern creatine supplements.Details which creatine supplements work for different goals.

Health & Medical: How to Lose Weight With Whole Food

How to Lose Weight With Whole Food

Whole food is not only healthy, it has proven to regulate your weight as well. Hence, it makes you healthy and makes you look great! If you want to lose weight, it is an advantage to eat healthy foods. Needless to say that you will need all the energy you can get for the days work.

Health & Medical: Juice Cleanse: Wonderful Way To Improve Health

Juice Cleanse: Wonderful Way To Improve Health

When you really feel your body is losing the stability, this is the sign of amplify of harmful toxins in your body and this is the right time to cleanse your body with juice.

Health & Medical: Anabolic Cooking - Muscle Building Cookbook

Anabolic Cooking - Muscle Building Cookbook

The Most Complete Cookbook And Nutrition Guide For Bodybuilding & Fitness On The Market With Over 200 Muscle Building Recipes, You Will Never Be Bored With Your Diet Again. Anabolic Cooking will turn you into ...

Health & Medical: Getting On Track In Flu Season

Getting On Track In Flu Season

It's key to a happy winter to make sure your immune system is in tip top condition. By exploring the range of vitamins and nutritional supplements you can use for extra benefit, first be warned. This year, colds and flus are multiplying like crazy.

Health & Medical: Himalayan Goji Juice

Himalayan Goji Juice

Himalayan Goji Juice manufactured by the company FreeLife. It is made of himalayan goji berries. Himalayan Goji Juice is considered the world's most powerful anti aging food. Himalayan Goji Juice is a

Health & Medical: Is a High Protein Diet Plan Good or Bad for You?

Is a High Protein Diet Plan Good or Bad for You?

We all have heard something at one time or another about the high protein diet. Does it really work for people or is it one of those fad diets that will soon disappear? So many ...

Health & Medical: Three (Simple) Steps to Help You Become a Vegan

Three (Simple) Steps to Help You Become a Vegan

Making the choice to switch to a vegan diet is a tough one, but it is also the most rewarding experience anyone could ever wish for. The peace and tranquility that comes from living in harmony with God's creatures is a feeling that is difficult to communicate through words.

Health & Medical: Super Foods You Need in Your Diet

Super Foods You Need in Your Diet

We consume many foods that are not healthful. Some of these cause premature aging, illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes as well as obesity. However, there are foods that fight disease, stabilize blood sugar, and boost our metabolism.

Health & Medical: Vitamins and minerals – are you getting enough?

Vitamins and minerals – are you getting enough?

Everybody knows that there are certain amounts of vitamins and minerals which are needed by the body each day. What some people are not sure of is how much of these essential nutrients are required."/

Health & Medical: Increase Your Liver Function with Wheatgrass Juice

Increase Your Liver Function with Wheatgrass Juice

Wheatgrass juice does wonders for the body when it comes to detoxification. The main reason why this is so, is because wheatgrass juice does wonders for the overall health of the Liver. By improving t

Health & Medical: How to Lower Your Triglycerides

How to Lower Your Triglycerides

Our blood contains certain levels of triglycerides. However, if you consume more bad calories than we need, our body will transform the excess calories into triglycerides and be stored as body fat. It is more common to see high triglycerides in overweight people. High triglycerides are associated wi

Health & Medical: Is It Better to Skip a Meal Than to Eat Unhealthy Food?

Is It Better to Skip a Meal Than to Eat Unhealthy Food?

Imagine your in a situation (work, plane, train, automobile) where you just didn't prepare any healthy foods. Maybe you are in a situation where the only choice to eat something is junk food. Should you eat junk foods to keep your metabolism up or would it be more beneficial to not eat at all?

Health & Medical: Stress Management - Fight Stress with These Foods in Your Diet

Stress Management - Fight Stress with These Foods in Your Diet

If you want to manage stress then you need to watch your diet and the foods you consume and critical. Many of the foods that we turn to when stressed actually increase stress levels even more creating a vicious circle.However, make simple diet changes and you will reduce stress, be calmer and be bet

Health & Medical: Running Nutrition Tips

Running Nutrition Tips

Running nutrition is essential before an athlete or a routine-bound runner starts engaging on a fast-paced activity like marathon training, it is always important to make sure the body is in good condition with enough energy and endurance resources to overcome obstacles and meet daily goals.

Health & Medical: 3 Smart Tips for Snacking Healthy

3 Smart Tips for Snacking Healthy

The present article has been read by many of my visitors and greatly appreciated. Hopefully you will enjoy it likewise. I will give you 3 tips to help you stay on track with your healthy eating even when you crave for something by snacking healthy. You will be able to do so if you are prepared, are

Health & Medical: Are You Using Glutathione?

Are You Using Glutathione?

Discover what the master antioxidant, glutathione does in your body and why you should be using it to protect yourself from slow deterioration of your body.Find out what foods have glutathione so you can make sure you are eating them.

Health & Medical: Impact of Curcumin/Piperine on Obese Mice

Impact of Curcumin/Piperine on Obese Mice

Could curcumin, in combination with piperine, have anti-obesity properties? This animal study tested the metabolic effects of this combination on obese mice.

Health & Medical: Foods That Ruin Your Diet

Foods That Ruin Your Diet

I'm out a lot. I'm just a busy guy. I see people trying to eat healthy and they seemingly have no idea what they're doing. Here are some suggestions based on my observations.