Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Saturday Night Live Episode Recap

Saturday Night Live Episode Recap

Read a recap of Saturday Night Live episode 1570, with host Zach Galifianakis and musical guest Vampire Weekend. Original air date 3/6/10.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Show Me Your Papers

Show Me Your Papers

A political cartoon about Arizona's immigration law.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Making Progress, Bush Style

Making Progress, Bush Style

An editorial cartoon poking fun at President Bush and his insistence that we're making progress in Iraq.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Funny Site of the Day

The Funny Site of the Day

This collection of Funny Sites includes The Cat of 1000 Faces, The 50 Greatest Comedy Sketches of All Time, Children's Letter to God, C-Spot, 101 Hilarious Ways to Get Fired, more.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Funny Jokes For Adults - Stand-Up Comedy Act

Funny Jokes For Adults - Stand-Up Comedy Act

As we well know, time is neither linear nor perceptible. Stand-up Comedians however, have a curious fear of the intangible and prefer to live in the past. They often refer to a time known as "The Good Old Days," which seems to be the era immediately before the present one. To familiarize y

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Egg and chips - por favor grasos

Egg and chips - por favor grasos

It infuriates me when people are judged on their appearance. Just because Rafa Benitez is a tubby mess, this does not give opposing supporters the right to abuse him. The Aston Villa supporters went well ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Humor on the Internet

Humor on the Internet

The internet is not just a place where you go to check your email and get the latest news. It is also home to some more relaxing and amusing sites. After a long day at work, a good way to lay back is to look at some online humor.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Bob Filner Grope

Bob Filner Grope

A political cartoon about disgraced San Diego Mayor Bob Filner.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: 8 Million Pound Gorilla

8 Million Pound Gorilla

A political cartoon about the financial crisis and the presidential campaign.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Geezer and Gidget

Geezer and Gidget

A political cartoon depicting John McCain and Sarah Palin as Geezer and Gidget.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Kreepsville 666 Are The Horror Of The New Generation

Kreepsville 666 Are The Horror Of The New Generation

Kreepsville 666 is the horrific way to revitalise your wardrobe and take on the horror look, through some of the most gruesomely psychobilly clothes. You can mix the horror punk style with the teddy boy drapes and creepers which includes the likes of t-shirts and horror punk hoodies and kreepsville

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Librarians Marching

Librarians Marching

A protest sign from Occupy Wall Street that says 'You know things are messed up when librarians start marching.'

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Junior Economics

Junior Economics

Some people are born with a head for business.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Who Would Jesus Torture?

Who Would Jesus Torture?

A political bumper sticker featuring the slogan, 'Would Would Jesus Torture?'

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Untamed

The Untamed

Been survivin' on cactus milk and tobacco spit ever since I got here... W-I-L-D M-Y-A-N... WILD MAN!