Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Palin at VP Debate

Palin at VP Debate

A funny captioned pic of Sarah Palin at the vice presidential debate.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Iraq Accomplished

Iraq Accomplished

A political cartoon about what was accomplished in Iraq.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Decorate Home for Bachelor Party

How to Decorate Home for Bachelor Party

There are many ways that you can organize the bachelor party. It can be a night in the town, a trip to Vegas or a simple sit down at home. However, a lot of these ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Cheney in Aretha's Hat

Cheney in Aretha's Hat

A funny picture featuring Dick Cheney in a wheelchair wearing Aretha's Franklin's widely ridiculed hat from Obama's inauguration.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Little Johnny

Little Johnny

Thumb Sucking Little Johnny had reached four without giving up the habit of sucking his thumb, though his mother had tried everything from bribery to reasoning to painting it with lemon juice to discourage the ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Don't Find Females With Mr. Winky

Don't Find Females With Mr. Winky

It is a scientific fact there is not one brain cell in testosterone. It amazing how stupid a guy can be in the pursuit of romance. This is another example of what not to do.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Which Transformers are the Cool Ones?

Which Transformers are the Cool Ones?

Boys love Transformers []. That's a fact of life. You have death, taxes, and boys loving Transformers. It's pretty simple, if you think about it. What are the two coolest things in the world? The ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Johns Get It On

The Johns Get It On

John Kerry and John Edwards express their true feelings for each other in this series of amusing pictures.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: A Good Send Off

A Good Send Off

From Sherry and a carrot to Curry and a fight. A look at how Hen Parties have developed and changed to become the massive industry they are today. A very British look back to simpler times and bit of a giggle about todays hens.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: HighDEAS Profile

HighDEAS Profile

Weed and sharing go together great - why not share ideas?

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Express Your Emotions With Funny Pictures

Express Your Emotions With Funny Pictures

Are you afraid of any aspect that can make you sad? Then leave all your worries and just hang with all the fun that is easily available online. One can search for the plenty of ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: GOP Family Values

GOP Family Values

A political cartoon about Republican hypocrisy on family values.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: What About Free Laughteronline?

What About Free Laughteronline?

We live in a stressful world! From the time you go out from your house to the time you arrive in your office, it is certain that you will encounter at least one incident that would stress you out.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Bush Awarded Gore's Nobel

Bush Awarded Gore's Nobel

An editorial cartoon about the Supreme Court reversing the Nobel committee's decision and awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to George Bush.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The importance of toy safety

The importance of toy safety

The thing about recommended age ranges for toys is that… for many toys, it's merely a suggestion. Your twelve year old child might still love the toys he had when he was six years old. ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: GOP Agenda

GOP Agenda

A political cartoon the conflict between President Obama's jobs agenda and the GOP's anti-Obama agenda.