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Oh, uh, you didn't work this funny face maker yet, did you?
Well, sorry about that. I'll just be over here... (04/08/08)More »
Videos: The 50 Greatest Comedy Sketches of All Time
The 50 greatest comedy sketches? Maybe or maybe not, but solid entertainment for sure. Watch 'em online. (04/10/08)More »101 Hilarious Ways to Get Fired
If you work fast, you can be out on the street in no time with tips like this one: "Lie about obvious things, such as saying 'I'm not here right now.'" (04/09/08)More »PicHacks
Hi, Funny Face!Oh, uh, you didn't work this funny face maker yet, did you?
Well, sorry about that. I'll just be over here... (04/08/08)More »
Original comedy video series created for the online community have a new home with C-Spot, promising fresh Web humor daily. (04/07/08)More »Puppy Curling Game
Object: Slide Spot and pals across the slick kitchen floor to hit the target. The closest dog wins! (04/06/08)More »The Fictionary Dictionary
Made-up words that should be in your dictionary and, perhaps, your head. (04/05/08)More »Al Jaffee's MAD Fold-Ins, Past and Present
See a cool online collection of those beautiful and puzzling drawings from the gifted comical artist, who has had an amazing career. (04/04/08)More »Hilarious Muppets Bloopers!
Little-known Muppet Show foul-ups, snorts, and finorks are featured in this rare video montage. As Jack Lemmon would say before he walked onto a stage, "It's magic time!" (04/03/08)More »April Fool's Day Roundup 2008
After researching dozens and dozens of this year's April Fool's stunts, here's the batch we enjoyed best, from "Flying Penguins" to "April Fool's Day Jokes of the Rich and Famous." In between, peruse "Top 10 April Fools' Work Pranks," "PC Actor Charged With Assault," "April Fool's Day International," "National Geographic Gets 'Poon'd," "RickRolling," "Google April Fool's Jokes Galore," and "Butterfinger Bites the Name That Feeds It!" (04/02/08)More »Top 10 Harmless Geek Pranks
Take control of your alleged pal's computer and cause a panic. Oh, everybody will laugh! (04/01/08)More »