Law & Legal & Attorney: What Is the Purpose of Green Card Lottery?

What Is the Purpose of Green Card Lottery?

The Green Card Lottery which is popularly known as the Diversity Visa Lottery Program is one way where people from eligible countries are allowed to live, work and study in the land of dreams. The purpose of the Green Card Lottery is to promote diversity in the United States.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Immigration Attorneys For K1 Visa

Immigration Attorneys For K1 Visa

Immigration attorneys for K1 visa can help you and your fianc through the entire visa application process that could be a long and harrowing experience. It's clear that heading alone into the world of the K1 visa is not a wise step. The services of immigration attorneys are valuable in this reg

Law & Legal & Attorney: Grassley H-1B Visa Reforms

Grassley H-1B Visa Reforms

H1B visa is a high skilled visa, every year a lot of foreigners applying a non-immigrant visas, but US citizen faces unemployment. The Grassley recommended immigration reforms to solve the unemploymen

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Get Your Girlfriend a Visa

How to Get Your Girlfriend a Visa

Long distance relationships can be difficult, but imagine if your girlfriend lived in another country. Getting her a visa to stay with you for a long period of time is difficult in the United States. However, if you are serious about the relationship, proposing to your girlfriend and making her your

Law & Legal & Attorney: How Should Your Company Prepare For The Forthcoming H-1b Quota?

How Should Your Company Prepare For The Forthcoming H-1b Quota?

The H-1B visa is designated for individuals who possess expertise in a given field---ranging from computer science, engineering, or computer programming. It is necessary to prove that an H-1B employee fulfills particular conditions, while not negatively affecting job prospects for American workers.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Different Types of US Immigration Forms

Different Types of US Immigration Forms

Like all things to do with the government, when trying to immigrant or even visit the United States, it's often necessary to fill out immigration forms. The forms aren't hard to get if you know where to look. They can, however, be a bit difficult to understand when it comes time to fill ou

Law & Legal & Attorney: UK Immigration Law - Giving Up British Citizenship

UK Immigration Law - Giving Up British Citizenship

A lot of people would kill to gain entry to the UK but why are there so many people giving up British citizenship? According to the UK immigration law, UK residents or British citizens who want to give up their nationality may do so. The main reasons would be acquiring another citizenship from anoth

Law & Legal & Attorney: Applying for Australia Sponsorship Visa Program

Applying for Australia Sponsorship Visa Program

Over the past few decades, the popularity of Australia sponsorship visa program has increased manifold because the program provides the candidate the right platform and opportunity for excelling in hi

Law & Legal & Attorney: Emigration and Immigration Across The World

Emigration and Immigration Across The World

Every country in the world has its own immigration policies and laws. Immigration laws refer to the national government policies which control the phenomenon of immigration to their country. These laws vary from country to country and depend upon prevailing political conditions in the country which

Law & Legal & Attorney: Applying For A Travel Document With The Form I 131

Applying For A Travel Document With The Form I 131

There are many a times when we are required to take a quick trip outside the United States for personal or emergency reasons. It is of great importance that all our paperwork related to our travel is in place. This way we will not face any trouble while coming back in.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Instructions for Immigrant Visa Applicants

Instructions for Immigrant Visa Applicants

Immigrant visas allow individuals to reside and work in the United States permanently. The objective of an immigrant visa application is to obtain permanent residency, which can be followed by citizenship. Non-immigrant visas, such as those given to tourists, students and certain foreign workers, al

Law & Legal & Attorney: Australian Immigration and the Cost of Living

Australian Immigration and the Cost of Living

Of the several key factors other than getting an Australian visa deciding upon Australian immigration is the information regarding how much does it actually require in order survive in the country. Therefore, you can observe numerous quotations particularizing the operating cost that you are probabl

Law & Legal & Attorney: Why Need Expert's Assistance for Immigration Law?

Why Need Expert's Assistance for Immigration Law?

With today's news focused on immigration law this is no time to entrust your case to legal representation that does not have years of success and expertise in that field. Various types of vis

Law & Legal & Attorney: Canada Immigrant Investor Program

Canada Immigrant Investor Program

Canada Immigrant Investor Program - one of the fastest method to migrate to Canada especially for investors - has been established by the Government of Canada in 1986 to attract experienced business people and investors whom are able to invest CAD $800,000 into Canada's economy over a 5-year pe

Law & Legal & Attorney: Advice on a Spouses Visa in the UK

Advice on a Spouses Visa in the UK

A spouse visa is also known as a marriage visa. This visa allows a husband, wife or civil partner to apply to enter and remain in the United Kingdom if married to a person settled there. Settled in this case means the spouse or partner is in the United Kingdom lawfully with no time limits placed o

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Get the Form I-90 for Renewal of Green Card

How to Get the Form I-90 for Renewal of Green Card

Form I-90 is a green card renewal form provided by United States Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS). The two-page form is two is downloadable in a PDF format through the USCIS website. Included with the form is a list of instructions, which explain filing fees, filing location and common que