Law & Legal & Attorney Immigration Law

Laws for Posting No Trespassing Signs on Natural Preserves

    Governing Body

    • It is the responsibility of the governing body of a natural preserve to post the No Trespassing signs. For instance, a city park falls under the jurisdiction of a city, and the National Park Service would not post signs for the city without permission. The governing body of the natural preserve is the body that has the authority to set the hours, list the rules for the preserve's use and decide who is entrusted with caretaking it for the public.


    • No Trespassing signs for natural preserves need to include appropriate information on them. For instance, "No Trespassing: violators will be prosecuted by city ordinance" tells you that trespassing is not only illegal there, but that if you trespass there is a certain ordinance that you have broken. If the preserve is a public park then it should include the hours that the preserve is open for public use, the name of the park, and who manages it, so that sign readers know which governing body is in charge.

    Other Laws

    • No Trespassing signs have to meet a lot of prerequisites to be considered legal. For instance, a sign has to be visible, meaning it must be posted in plain view such as on gates that lead to the natural preserve. This could be extended to mean that the sign must also be of a certain color to improve visibility during evening hours. Depending on local or state restrictions, No Trespassing signs should be posted at a certain height, and they should be placed regularly along a perimeter so that the signs will be seen by potential trespassers.

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