Health & Medical: Acid Reflux Drugs May Up Fractures

Acid Reflux Drugs May Up Fractures

Proton-pump inhibitors -- the popular drugs that fight stomach acid -- increase the risk of hip fractures, a U.S. study shows.

Health & Medical: Relationship of Acid Reflux & Heart Disease

Relationship of Acid Reflux & Heart Disease

Acid reflux and heart disease have a convoluted relationship. Symptoms of a heart attack are often masked by or mistaken for acid reflux, while acid reflux is sometimes caused by medications taken for heart disease.

Health & Medical: Celiac Disease Linked to Dementia

Celiac Disease Linked to Dementia

Adults who develop the digestive condition known as celiac disease appear to be at increased risk for dementia, according to new research from the Mayo Clinic.

Health & Medical: Review Article: Drug Therapy for NAFLD

Review Article: Drug Therapy for NAFLD

Therapeutic interventions are limited in NASH. Therapy has focused on modifications of risk factors, weight reduction and pathogenesis-oriented pharmacologic therapies.

Health & Medical: Acid Reflux Disease - Foods That Leave You With Heartburn

Acid Reflux Disease - Foods That Leave You With Heartburn

Did you know that your diet could be the reason for your reoccurring heartburn?In fact, if you want to begin to treat your acid reflux you must begin with your diet.Discover over 20 foods that cause acid reflux and what will cure acid reflux.

Health & Medical: Heartburn Treatment

Heartburn Treatment

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of heartburn treatments including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Health & Medical: Learn The 3 Types of Acid Reflux Drugs and Heed This Warning!

Learn The 3 Types of Acid Reflux Drugs and Heed This Warning!

Still have the holiday hangover? It pays to be thankful if that's all you've got. For many Americans, the holiday season is not a time for gift-giving and feasting on all those sumptuous food. With cases of acid reflux on the rise, far too many people are not enjoying good food but instead

Health & Medical: Acid Reflux Causes and Cures

Acid Reflux Causes and Cures

Due to the long list of undesirable side effects associated with prescription medications, an increasing number of people are seeking out natural cures for acid reflux. This also allows them to continue their treatment of the condition over longer periods of time, since the majority of prescription

Health & Medical: Digestive Problems - Should I Worry?

Digestive Problems - Should I Worry?

Acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease and other problems that are related to digestion can cause discomforts. If you have any of these problems, you can get treatment to yourself by watching what you eat carefully.

Health & Medical: Useful Diet for Heartburn

Useful Diet for Heartburn

People who suffer from heartburn are often advised to follow a special diet that steers clear of foods known to aggravate heartburn symptoms. Lifestyle and dietary changes can greatly reduce the symptoms of heartburn and acid reflex. When looking at different diets for heartburn, it's important to

Health & Medical: Battling GERD Or Acid Reflux? Help Is Here!

Battling GERD Or Acid Reflux? Help Is Here!

Contrary to what many think, GERD is not a disease, and is not caused by a "bad" sphincter or "too much" stomach acid. It's a sign that your digestive system is stressed out from a number of factors including:foods full of sugar and chemicals, foods you are sensitive or alle

Health & Medical: Patient-reported Outcomes in Chronic Hepatitis C

Patient-reported Outcomes in Chronic Hepatitis C

As treatment regimens for HCV change over time, how carefully and often do patients self-report on outcome, and how can it ultimately assist clinicians to better understand the disease?

Health & Medical: Hiccups-Topic Overview

Hiccups-Topic Overview

What are hiccups?Hiccups occur when a spasm contracts the diaphragm, a large sheet of muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. This spasm causes an intake of breath that is suddenly stopped by the closure of the vocal cords (glottis). This closure causes the characteristic &

Health & Medical: Natural Treatment of Acid Reflux

Natural Treatment of Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is characterized by persistent burning pain in the esophagus and chest, as a result of acid from the stomach entering the esophagus. Natural remedies involve using supplements or making lifestyle changes, as opposed to simply suppressing stomach acid using over-the-counter antacid medica

Health & Medical: Digestive Disorders in Adults

Digestive Disorders in Adults

According to the North Shore Medical Center, digestive disorders are diagnosed in millions of adults every year. These disorders range from common digestive disorders such as upset stomach to life-threatening digestive disorders such as colorectal cancer. Digestive disorders affect the digestive sys