Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Learn The 3 Types of Acid Reflux Drugs and Heed This Warning!

Still have the holiday hangover? Or getting ready for the next big feast this new year? It pays to be thankful if that's all you've got.
For many Americans, the holiday season is not a time for gift-giving and feasting on all those sumptuous food.
With cases of acid reflux on the rise, far too many people are not enjoying good food but instead, are struggling with the effects of gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD.
This ailment is characterized by severe heartburn, regurgitation, and discomfort when stomach acids "climb" back up towards the esophagus.
Acid indigestion, naturally, would make you feel terrible and lose your appetite.
If left untreated, excessive acidity in your stomach could pose more serious dangers to your stomach and overall health.
Millions of people suffer from this ailment and if you're one of them, read on.
There are simple ways for you to deal with this problem.
Changes in your diet and lifestyle certainly comes out on the top must-do lists for getting rid of GERD.
The first step is to avoid consumption of too much coffee and other beverages with loads of caffeine.
Aside from the sleepless nights and heart "murmurs" that come with too much caffeine, its acidity also contributes to GERD.
Of course, you must take a hard look at the food you eat everyday and try to cut down on all meals that are also high in acidity.
The best thing to do is to cook and eat food that would also neutralize acidity in your stomach, or those which are called alkaline foods.
Most vegetables such as carrots and a number of fruits like bananas are alkaline.
Fatty foods are also bad for your tummy, not to mention a threat to the health of your heart.
Smoking is also bad for GERD sufferers who also risk getting lung cancer and a host of other diseases that could cripple our cardio-vascular and respiratory system.
Aside from having a balanced diet, avoiding cigarettes, and living a healthy lifestyle, what else should you do to reduce if not totally get rid of GERD? If the symptoms or discomfort brought about by GERD are just too much to bear, consult a doctor about effective acid reflux drugs.
There are actually several types of medication that your doctor might prescribe, the most common being: Oral Suspension Medicines - that can be used to treat heartburn and indigestion.
These medicines also help relieve your nausea, ulcers, and diarrhea.
Anti-Flatulence Drugs - help get rid of "gas" which is one of the leading causes of having an uncomfortable, bloated feeling.
Aside from dealing the stomach pain, you could also avoid the embarrassment that comes with having too much "gas" when you're in public.
Antacids - are also helpful in coating your esophagus while reducing the amount of acid in your stomach.
These are only some of the oral medications that are available to you if you suffer from GERD.
Remember though that they should be taken in moderation and if you want an honest opinion, only in emergency cases and never for maintenance purposes.
Even with a proper prescription from your health care provider, there are certain dangers that excessive acid reflux drugs could cause and end up worsening your condition.
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