- Note that the website Acid Reflux Treatment recommends several different supplements that can be taken to either prevent acid reflux symptoms from occurring, or to heal the esophagus and manage pain associated with acid reflux. Acid Reflux Treatment recommends consuming deglycyrrhizinated licorice for quick relief once the symptoms begin. Deglycyrrhizinated licorice could also be consumed to help heal damage to the esophageal lining which resulted from chronic acid reflux. Chronic acid reflux may be helped by regularly consuming choline, rice bran oil thiamine and pantothenic acid. These supplements can be taken on a regular basis, or before specific meals and eating foods that are known to increase stomach acid.
- Keep in mind that drinking aloe vera juice to achieve fast relief from acid reflux symptoms is also recommended by the Acid Reflux Treatment site. Regularly drinking tea, in order to manage chronic acid reflux and to reduce symptoms associated with acid reflux is another suggestion. Infusing the tea with lavender, peppermint and/or anise helps neutralize the acidity of the stomach and reduce the amount of acid present. If the acidity of the stomach is reduced, less acid will enter the esophagus, and chronic acid reflux may improve.
- Understand that the best homeopathic remedy for chronic acid reflux is to alter your lifestyle. Keep a food diary to determine which foods trigger your acid reflux, and refrain from eating those foods. Foods that are known to cause acid reflux include spicy foods, fatty foods, dairy products, citrus fruits, tomatoes and onions. Caffeine and alcohol may also cause or exacerbate acid reflux. Finally, lying down after a meal can make acid reflux worse. By changing your diet to focus on high fiber foods and unprocessed foods, you may be able to prevent acid reflux from occurring and/or greatly reduce the severity of your symptoms.
Lifestyle Changes