Health & Medical: New Treatment for Barrett's Esophagus

New Treatment for Barrett's Esophagus

Radiofrequency ablation may provide relief from Barrett’s esophagus and reduce the risk of esophageal cancer, acoording to a study in The New England Journal of Medicine.

Health & Medical: What Is a Good Diet for Acid Reflux?

What Is a Good Diet for Acid Reflux?

There is little question that there is a link between the type of diet one eats and the occurrence of acid reflux and its symptoms. It doesn't take much to upset the balance that keeps the human body running smoothly and the food we eat is an important part of this equation. So it only makes se

Health & Medical: Treat Your Heartburn Naturally

Treat Your Heartburn Naturally

Heartburn is an incredibly common condition that bring discomfort to millions of people everyday. Although the condition is not taken very seriously by some, it is very painful, can cause sleepless nights and if not treated can lead to more serious conditions. Despite its name heartburn has nothing

Health & Medical: Surgical Treatment of Peptic Ulcer

Surgical Treatment of Peptic Ulcer

Peptic ulcers are painful areas of the gastrointestinal tract where H pylori bacteria create colonies of at least 1/2 cm in diameter and usually generate acid. In some cases the best option for treatment of these ulcers is surgery.

Health & Medical: Enzymes to Digest Food

Enzymes to Digest Food

Enzymes help you to digest the food you eat.Taiwan - Food market / Asian Food image by St??phan SZEREMETA from Fotolia.comEnzymes help our bodies break down the food we eat. In the past, enzymes necessary to break food down were present in the food itself. However, as food became...

Health & Medical: The Real Deal Regarding Acid Reflux Treatments

The Real Deal Regarding Acid Reflux Treatments

There are a lot of phony and incorrect claims about heartburn treatments out there on the web nowadays. But the truth is there are a multitude of indigestion cures that are all natural and do not require surgery, prescription medicines or come with bad side effects.

Health & Medical: The Management of Cirrhosis in Women

The Management of Cirrhosis in Women

What are the special concerns that women and their clinicians have to pay attention to when treating and managing cirrhosis?

Health & Medical: Homeopathic Stomach Virus Remedies

Homeopathic Stomach Virus Remedies

When you have a stomach virus the pain can be unbearable. From diarrhea to vomiting, stomach viruses can wreak havoc on the system and can leave you feeling drained and fatigued. Luckily, there are a few homeopathic remedies that are very helpful in treating stomach viruses. Homeopathic remedies are

Health & Medical: Foods That Soften Stool

Foods That Soften Stool

Dealing with constipation can be frustrating and uncomfortable. While your first thought may be to head towards the medicine cabinet, you should search your kitchen cabinets first for foods that may soften stools and provide relief. Make these foods part of your daily diet, along with exercise, to h

Health & Medical: Have You Heard About Jeff Martin's 'Heartburn No More'?

Have You Heard About Jeff Martin's 'Heartburn No More'?

Most of us do not understand the plight of heartburn sufferers especially those who constantly suffer from heartburn especially on a day-to-day basis. Life is not the same for heartburn sufferers and their discomfort cannot be properly expressed.

Health & Medical: GERD, Acid Reflux Interfere With Restful Sleep

GERD, Acid Reflux Interfere With Restful Sleep

Two studies provide evidence of what many people already complain about: GERD, or acid reflux, can interfere with restful sleep and contribute to insomnia and daytime sleepiness.

Health & Medical: Acid Reflux Help - 3 Easy Solutions to Stop Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Help - 3 Easy Solutions to Stop Acid Reflux

Do you suffer from heartburn or need acid reflux help? If you've tried different products like Tums or Pepcid AC but you still can't get the heartburn to go away, you might try some of the solutions I'm about to describe.

Health & Medical: Ulcer Stomach Treatment

Ulcer Stomach Treatment

Stomach ulcers are painful sores that affect the stomach, the upper part of the small intestine and esophagus. It was once thought that ulcers were caused by stress, but discoveries have found the main cause for the sores is a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Treatments for stomach

Health & Medical: Acid Reflux Cooking and The Family

Acid Reflux Cooking and The Family

It is sometimes difficult to deal with indigestion and acid reflux, especiallyif you are the person having to cope with it.However, it can be equally asdifficult for family members to cope with a chronic indigestion and acid refluxsufferer.