Health & Medical: Don't Let Acid Reflux Ruin Your Vacation

Don't Let Acid Reflux Ruin Your Vacation

Vacations can induce a bout of acid reflux due to irregular meal times, unusual foods, and the basic urge to over indulge in both food and alcohol while at play. For most of us, it really isn't a vacation unless we loosen up a bit, so here are a few tips to help you keep your acid reflux sympto

Health & Medical: Management of Gastric Polyps

Management of Gastric Polyps

Do all gastric polyps detected at endoscopy have to be surgically removed? This new study gives us an overview of management approaches.

Health & Medical: How to Get Burned Stuff Off the Oven

How to Get Burned Stuff Off the Oven

If you use your oven for even light cooking, at some point you will need to deal with burned-on food. No matter how careful you are, food bubbles over and turns into a black char that adheres to the racks and bottom of the oven surface. Removing this material is often quite a challenge and requires

Health & Medical: The Epidemic of Fatty Liver Disease

The Epidemic of Fatty Liver Disease

New recommendations are available to help clinicians combat the growing problem of fatty liver disease in both adults and children.

Health & Medical: What Are the Causes of Chills, Shaking & Nausea?

What Are the Causes of Chills, Shaking & Nausea?

Chills, shaking and nausea are symptoms associated with the flu and other viruses. Luckily, there are a number of treatments that may help you feel more comfortable until these symptoms subside.

Health & Medical: Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Diabetic Patients

Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Diabetic Patients

Is the risk for hepatocellular carcinoma higher in patients with diabetes mellitus and, if so, why? What types of drug therapies could help lower the risk in this particular subset of patients?

Health & Medical: When Should You Drink Kombucha to Avoid Acid Reflux?

When Should You Drink Kombucha to Avoid Acid Reflux?

Anyone who has ever looked through the beverage section at Whole Foods is probably at least familiar with Kombucha. While this homeopathic tea has been around for centuries--especially in China and Russia--it's made a popular commercial resurgence in health food stores and even many mainstream super