Health & Medical: Twenty Pounds of Your Little Bit

Twenty Pounds of Your Little Bit

Twenty pounds of your little bit worried one thing is you can go to what is I consider my face one I'm I talk to be an away it's an Rx we're going to try ...

Health & Medical: Scarring: The Story of Our Lives Told on Our Skin

Scarring: The Story of Our Lives Told on Our Skin

Forget wearing your heart on your sleeve, one wears the story of ones life on their skin. The skin is the body's largest organ, which is subjected to many traumas over a lifetime which leave ...

Health & Medical: A Few Daily Tips For Dry Skin Care You Must Heed

A Few Daily Tips For Dry Skin Care You Must Heed

To keep our skin looking beautiful and healthy we have to protect it from getting damaged. Many people are paying very close attention to how they look and are becoming more health conscious. One are of importance is the need to incorporate a dry skin care routine into our daily makeover habits. Dry

Health & Medical: Video: Puffy Eyes & Facial Cleanser

Video: Puffy Eyes & Facial Cleanser

Video Transcript Hi, I'm Ally Brown. I'm a master esthetician here at, and today I'm going to talk about puffy eyes and facial cleansers. The first one I'm going to talk about is a facial cleanser. This is a SkinMedica cleanser, it's their sensitive skin cleanser. So,...

Health & Medical: What Can Go Wrong With Dermal Fillers

What Can Go Wrong With Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are excellent products and their evolution and development has resulted in over 300 dermal fillers now in use in the European market. However, only a handful of them have been approved by the ...

Health & Medical: Use Of Skin Care Brush Techniques

Use Of Skin Care Brush Techniques

Skin care brush, many different types, uses different make-up artist now recommend the use of a variety of brushes and techniques. Skin care brush system. Use of skin care brush techniques.

Health & Medical: Overnight Skin Care

Overnight Skin Care

Our skin is the first line of defense against the environment. It acts as a shield all day; protecting us from the sun, pollution, smoke, harsh air conditions and the elements in general. At night, ...

Health & Medical: Tips For Acne Skin Care

Tips For Acne Skin Care

Here are some really easy to follow tips that will aid you to control skin acne and more importantly these are natural acne skin care tips, which means you do not have to worry about any side effects. Skin care for acne is not all that easy thing to do...

Health & Medical: Skin Tags - How to Remove at Home!

Skin Tags - How to Remove at Home!

Skin tags may just sit there and cause no trouble at all. The only time that you should start worrying is if you notice that it is increasing in size. In that case, you better see your doctor for it could become a malignant tumor...

Health & Medical: 8 Secrets on How to Remove Acne Scars

8 Secrets on How to Remove Acne Scars

There are several techniques in getting rid of scarred tissues. The design of pimples begins while in puberty in the event the human body make an effort to creates bodily hormones that involves a lot ...

Health & Medical: Oily Skin Solution

Oily Skin Solution

Oily skin can be a major concern for people living in different stages of their life. This issue is not avoidable as it may cause many further problems. Generally, teens face this problem during puberty and they may assume that they are going to get over this problem by time.