Twenty pounds of your little bit worried one thing is you can go to what is I consider my face one I'm I talk to be an away it's an Rx we're going to try to call I'll you know what I talked about tonight the accelerated I'll face what now face one on myprogram in my books is simply everything except you don't count calories since some people it only need to lose a210 pounds might just go on Phase one for a while I and do that and they may not have to peace an if they don't take the slant direction map they could just do that but if you've got twenty pounds to lose I would do the accelerated and they are and go with fat someone asked is this product natural are you're not know it's homeopathic I homeopathic are you know I don't want to call on natural drug side but that but that's where the FDA looks at it they have active
Ingredients but it's a whole different thing and will educate you more on homeopathy I don't want to get into it too much %abut but it they there it's a whole different approach versus allopathic medicine which is the what I practiced I because I'm a position I'll what sweeteners to I like I like silat all in stevia you can use them in your to you or your coffee our people ask about alcoholic drinks I can I drink alcohol.with it well they've got calories up but alcohol by itself is low glycemic but I would say it's got to be immoderation II glass of wine Atlanta I'm not a fan of beer because it does have a lot of carbohydrates unless you doing altar I'll ultra I low out up beer then then I think that would be fine I'll how long does phase one last that's really good question are I say you stay and the accelerated phase one and chill you reach.
Your health and weight gilts now that doesn't mean you know I realize there's a cost with the drops but let's say you use it you drops for a month or two and you've lost eighty percent your way and you're really happy in your appetites down you're doing well whatyou could go on to my face one which is exactly the same except you don't have to count calories you just still avoid operates flour rice cereal pasta potatoes and sugar but I you continue the up towards your exercise and all that up but then when you've reached your health and weight goals either through the accelerated phase or my face one then you go on n you actually I'll I II you know you go onto my face to someone asked about yogurt mix Greek yogurt with berries are frozen berries absolutely are there is belli skin. problem obviously you might want to get some other great deal eager's her wonderful make sure they're not loaded with sugar are you got to.
Ingredients but it's a whole different thing and will educate you more on homeopathy I don't want to get into it too much %abut but it they there it's a whole different approach versus allopathic medicine which is the what I practiced I because I'm a position I'll what sweeteners to I like I like silat all in stevia you can use them in your to you or your coffee our people ask about alcoholic drinks I can I drink alcohol.with it well they've got calories up but alcohol by itself is low glycemic but I would say it's got to be immoderation II glass of wine Atlanta I'm not a fan of beer because it does have a lot of carbohydrates unless you doing altar I'll ultra I low out up beer then then I think that would be fine I'll how long does phase one last that's really good question are I say you stay and the accelerated phase one and chill you reach.
Your health and weight gilts now that doesn't mean you know I realize there's a cost with the drops but let's say you use it you drops for a month or two and you've lost eighty percent your way and you're really happy in your appetites down you're doing well whatyou could go on to my face one which is exactly the same except you don't have to count calories you just still avoid operates flour rice cereal pasta potatoes and sugar but I you continue the up towards your exercise and all that up but then when you've reached your health and weight goals either through the accelerated phase or my face one then you go on n you actually I'll I II you know you go onto my face to someone asked about yogurt mix Greek yogurt with berries are frozen berries absolutely are there is belli skin. problem obviously you might want to get some other great deal eager's her wonderful make sure they're not loaded with sugar are you got to.