Health & Medical: Why Does My Sweat Smell Sweet?

Why Does My Sweat Smell Sweet?

The human body gives off a surprising variety of odors, which people spend a great deal of money and effort trying to mask or neutralize. A strange body or breath odor-different from the typical locker-room type of body odor with which most of us are familiar-could indicate a health problem. If you

Health & Medical: When Should You Treat Warts and Moles?

When Should You Treat Warts and Moles?

All types of skin defects can be very troublesome to us and greatly affect the way we feel about ourselves. This is the case whether we have warts, moles or skin tags. Whilst they are rarely cancerous they look very unattractive and can stop us from participating in activities that you usually enjoy

Health & Medical: Picture of Keloid

Picture of Keloid

Keloid. Spontaneous keloids on the chest of an adolescent.

Health & Medical: 8 Essential Ways to Ensure Your Skin Looks Great

8 Essential Ways to Ensure Your Skin Looks Great

Skin care products earn billions of dollars every single year. Your body is comprised of mostly water, and that's especially true for your skin. Save some pigmentation and a bit of organic ma

Health & Medical: How Caffeine Can Lead to Wrinkles

How Caffeine Can Lead to Wrinkles

To have clear and radiant skin, you will have to maintain a healthy and balanced routine in all spheres of your life and adopt certain changes. Only when you are healthy inside can you shine on the outside. One easy thing that you can do is refrain from drinking beverages with caffeine content like

Health & Medical: Sunscreen and Uv Rays

Sunscreen and Uv Rays

Wearing sunscreen helps skin aging. Put on sunscreen at least every 2 to 3 hours while you are exposed to the sun. Doctors recommend using about one ounce of sunscreen for all parts of the body, inclu

Health & Medical: Botox a Non-Surgical Treatment for Wrinkles and Aging

Botox a Non-Surgical Treatment for Wrinkles and Aging

Botox injection is becoming the hottest craze among people of every age group who desired to look young and handsome. This dermatological injection is gaining popularity; yet there are many people around who are getting ...

Health & Medical: Unravel the Ugly Truth in Body Moisturizer Reviews

Unravel the Ugly Truth in Body Moisturizer Reviews

One of the best ways to get through all the hassles of trying out potential beauty products like those of skin moisturizers and body lotions on the market is to consult reliable literature that provides the readers not only comprehensive body moisturizer reviews. Also the possible effects their ingr

Health & Medical: Tips For Removing Skin Tags at Home

Tips For Removing Skin Tags at Home

How do you remove the bad looking skin tags at the comfort of your home without having to see a doctor? There are tips to help you remove those irritating and unsightly skin tags without any dermatologist near you. Home skin tag removal tips will help you remove the unwanted skin tags without a derm

Health & Medical: 5 Almonds Skin Benefits That You Must Know

5 Almonds Skin Benefits That You Must Know

Almonds should be your favorite snack for good reason - it has many benefits for your skin, due to the rich of beneficial nutrients it contain. What may be shocking to you is that various ...

Health & Medical: Skin Diseases & Disorders

Skin Diseases & Disorders

Skin diseases can be embarrassing, painful and, in some cases, fatal. Most people experience some acne, while skin disorders such as psoriasis can come with both physical and emotional trauma. Skin cancer is dangerous and can be deadly. Other common skin diseases, such as dermatitis and hives, are t

Health & Medical: Treating Eczema and Psoriasis - The Scientific Natural Solution

Treating Eczema and Psoriasis - The Scientific Natural Solution

Eczema and psoriasis are common non-contagious skin disorders. Eczema, medically called "atopic dermatitis" is a chronic, inflammatory skin disorder that affects more than 35 million people in the United States. The current consensus in the scientific community is that abnormal immune resp

Health & Medical: Light Therapy for Acne

Light Therapy for Acne

If you have papules and pustules or the inflamed, red zits, you will find this very useful. This form of therapy works well in clearing these forms of skin conditions. Blackheads and whiteheads and severe ...