Health & Medical: Mending the Brain Through Music

Mending the Brain Through Music

Music therapist and researcher Dr. Concetta Tomaino discusses the startling power of music to treat neurologic illness.

Health & Medical: Vaccines and Autism

Vaccines and Autism

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of vaccines and autism including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Health & Medical: MRI Brain Scan Predicts Memory Decline

MRI Brain Scan Predicts Memory Decline

An MRI brain scan has for the first time identified subtle brain changes that can help predict who is likely to develop Alzheimer's disease.

Health & Medical: Multiple Sclerosis Pain

Multiple Sclerosis Pain

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of multiple sclerosis pain including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Health & Medical: What Causes Nerve Pain in the Mouth?

What Causes Nerve Pain in the Mouth?

Nerve PainCommon types of nerve pain you may experience in the mouth can come from your taste and sensory nerves (burning mouth syndrome), inferior alveolar nerve located in the lower jaw, skin of the chin and lower lip, or in your lingual nerve, which descends to the tongue and under the...

Health & Medical: ADHD in Girls May Often Go Undiagnosed

ADHD in Girls May Often Go Undiagnosed

ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, may be more common in adolescent girls than was previously thought. It frequently goes undiagnosed because girls with ADHD are less likely to behave disruptively -- the most commonly recognizable sign of ADHD -- than boys with the disorder.

Health & Medical: Sciatic Nerve Pain Treatment

Sciatic Nerve Pain Treatment

The sciatic nerve is the largest single nerve in the human body, and when there is pressure put on the sciatic nerve it can be extremely painful. Itnerve branches off from the bottom of your spine and runs down each leg, and most sciatic nerve pain will radiate down the leg to the ankle. It can be

Health & Medical: Demyelinating Diseases

Demyelinating Diseases

Demyelinating disease is a common disease causing harm to the brain and the nerves. While it is not necessarily life-threatening, it could cause multiple sclerosis and other such diseases which in turn could cause loss of sight or even brain damage.

Health & Medical: Types of Gliomas

Types of Gliomas

Gliomas, or brain tumors, come in many forms. Symptoms of a brain tumor include headaches, nausea, changes in your senses, balance and memory problems, muscle jerking and numbness or tingling in your limbs. Specific symptoms and treatment options depend on the type of glioma that develops.

Health & Medical: Combo Therapy May Reverse Paralysis

Combo Therapy May Reverse Paralysis

An early rat study suggests that severed nerve fibers don't need to re-grow in order for a paralyzed patient to walk again.