Health & Medical: The Right Kind of Low Sodium Diet

The Right Kind of Low Sodium Diet

Most people wonder why their blood pressures are still reaching for the sky even on regular medication. The thing is medication only works to solve the symptom and not its source. One of the most common causes of high blood pressure is a high intake of sodium in the diet.

Health & Medical: How to Jar Crispy Pickles

How to Jar Crispy Pickles

Crisp pickles add tangy crunch to a sandwich and make an enjoyable treat by themselves. If you have a bumper crop of cucumbers, jarring some for pickles is a good alternative to spoilage. Pickle lovers that prefer crispy cukes over dense soggy ones should put some up in jars. Jarring your own pickle

Health & Medical: Medifast 5 & 1 Plan - Some Tips for Medifast Weight Loss

Medifast 5 & 1 Plan - Some Tips for Medifast Weight Loss

If you have been doing the Medifast 5 & 1 plan for any length of time, you realize exactly how effective it can be for weight loss. That doesn't mean, however, that sticking with the diet and making the most of it is not difficult from time to time.Here are some tips for Medifast weight loss th

Health & Medical: Master Cleanse Diet - Feeling Better After Just 10 Days!

Master Cleanse Diet - Feeling Better After Just 10 Days!

It is often stated that the master cleanse or lemonade diet as it is also called is a weight loss program or a diet. People have lost lots of weight in short spans of time using this system. The master cleanse is an effective way to detox the body.

Health & Medical: Ideas for Monster Face Cupcakes

Ideas for Monster Face Cupcakes

Give your little monsters a treat for Halloween by decorating cupcakes to look like their favorite monster characters. Get some ideas on ways you can decorate your next batch of cupcakes to look like a Frankenstein, a hobgoblin or a creature from the sea. Monsters made out of frosting and candy can

Health & Medical: The Simplest Way to Lose Weight - Shifting Calories

The Simplest Way to Lose Weight - Shifting Calories

What is the simplest way to lose weight? This question has been a subject of constant debate since time immemorial. There are so many fad diets. There are so many health experts with divergent viewpoints about how much of and what type of diet and exercise regimen you should follow.

Health & Medical: Less Pain - More Chocolate and a Lot More Balance in Your Life!

Less Pain - More Chocolate and a Lot More Balance in Your Life!

If you gave your loved one high quality dark chocolate recently then you not only caused them to love your gift and you that much more but you may have helped improve their health! Simply put, high quality dark chocolate is a health food.

Health & Medical: Can You Lose Weight With a Tricycle?

Can You Lose Weight With a Tricycle?

When you picture a tricycle, you might picture a young child gleefully pedaling as they master the art of balance. But adults can ride tricycles too, and a three-wheeled bike can even help you meet your weight-loss goals. You'll need to use the tricycle regularly and may need to alter your diet to m

Health & Medical: Every Other Day Diet - Does This Work?

Every Other Day Diet - Does This Work?

Every Other Day Diet is a new approach in dieting. It lets you eat normally on one day then you reduce your calories the next day. But, could this kind of dieting really work?

Health & Medical: Dinner Ideas for Cube Steak

Dinner Ideas for Cube Steak

Round steak is a flavorful cut of beef, but it's often tough because of the long muscle fibers. Cube steak is round steak that has been passed through a tenderizing machine in which the fibers are severed at small intervals. Once this has been done, the steak is tender, and versatile enough for seve

Health & Medical: How to Increase Vitamin A Intake

How to Increase Vitamin A Intake

Vitamin A, also called retinol, helps keep your skin and hair looking healthy and is necessary for healthy bones, teeth, eyes, body cells, and tissues. It helps your body protect itself from infection and helps with reproduction. The U.S. RDA for Vitamin A per day is 2,600 IU for a male and 3,300 IU

Health & Medical: Ornish Diet - Your Way of Losing Weight While Eating More

Ornish Diet - Your Way of Losing Weight While Eating More

"You are what you eat", that's an ultimate quote pertaining to a person's fat-reducing status balanced. Dietary performance is usually described as the only probable means to lose weight and achieve the perfect body you've been wanting for years, and this is practiced by con

Health & Medical: Bread For Life Diet - Women Should Be Eating a Dozen Servings of Bread Each Day

Bread For Life Diet - Women Should Be Eating a Dozen Servings of Bread Each Day

Many of the existing diet plans nowadays forbid the intake of carbohydrates because they are known to produce additional tissues and excess weight. But there exists a different diet plan that will surely be loved by carbohydrate-lovers. This is called the Bread for Life Diet plan in which you will h

Health & Medical: Lose Weight Very Fast On This Fantastic Diet

Lose Weight Very Fast On This Fantastic Diet

Well, I am absolutely amazed. A very good friend of mine was recommended to a diet product which sounded remarkable. She had tried most diets and was fast becoming an expert in most of the ones we have all heard about, the thousand island diet, the pineapple, the Atkins and the grapefruit. But when

Health & Medical: The Diet Zone

The Diet Zone

The importance of diet in our daily lives is well analyzed over the years by many experiments and studies conducted by renowned scientists. Dr. Barry Sears is a well known researcher who has formulated a perfect diet as the basis for perfect living.

Health & Medical: Vegetable Soup Diet - 7 Days Recipe

Vegetable Soup Diet - 7 Days Recipe

Vegetable soup diet is one of the sought after diet foods. The soup has the advantages of being rich in nutrition as well as low in calories. As a result, the soup will help losing your weight...