A Ban On Gas Powered Vehicles?
The European Union has announced that it wants to ban all gas powered vehicles by 2050. From what I can gather it appears they'll be starting with commercial and city cars first in a sort of phase out plan.
The European Union has announced that it wants to ban all gas powered vehicles by 2050. From what I can gather it appears they'll be starting with commercial and city cars first in a sort of phase out plan.
Oil spills can cause big problems for our ecosystem.We all remember in 1989 the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William sound, Alaska.It took over a decade for the wildlife to rebound and two decades before things turned back to normal.
Through our own doing, our environment is sadly dirtied, corrupted, abused, and destroyed. It inevitable, undeniable, but sad that we need to compromise nature just to keep pace with our ever-complex lives. Fortunately, we, as citizens of this world, can do something about this by recycling to lesse
Everyone keeps getting the message that America is going green. Question one, what does that mean? Question two, how does that affect our lives? These two questions are on the minds of a lot of people.
At a recent closed-door session with members of the Unites States government representatives of the oil giant BP revealed that upwards to 60,000 barrels of oil have been gushing into the Gulf of Mexico, daily, with no relief in sight. This magnitude of the disaster ecologically, and its political co
There are many folks who take environmental issues so seriously, that they go out of their way to tell people of their passion for our eco-system. Every once in a while when someone shows me a passionate outburst for our environment, I just roll my eyes. Why you ask?
No matter if you believe in global warming and the possible effects of it, the fact still remains that we need to take proper care of our world so that future generations are able to enjoy everything that we have gotten to opportunity to marvel at. People all around the world have opted to join thos
There are effective ways to detoxify the toxic combination of chemicals and poisons released from the BP oil spill. It may be years before we realize the full toxic effects and before BP admits liability. It's up to all of us to take responsibility for our health and here's how:
Go to a Yahoo or Google search window and type in designing leachate collection systems. People do this every single day. It's routine. They actually do it and click the button to search. What were they thinking when they did that? There is an almost limitless range of reasons. There are both n
Most folks are completely behind the "green movement" and have found a new interest in alternative energy. Most of this has to do with the Global Warming motif and huge amount of media coverage on CO2. Now please understand that in the spirit of full-disclosure I am not a Global Warming Al
We all know there are some products out there that were solely created for their convenience, no matter what the price the environment must pay. Here is a useful list of 10 commonly found household items that are bad for the environment and some alternative options so you can take action to make a b
Ambient air pollution exposure is suggested to be associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. What's the impact of air pollution on fetal growth and preterm birth using spatiotemporal exposure metrics
The cost of generating electricity through solar and wind power has been too high for the average consumer. A basic installation of a solar panel or wind generator can set you back by about $10,000.
Great reasons to consider a vegetarian diet. Besides being a far healthier life choice it is also much friendlier to our environment and the animals with which we share it.
The extent to which the processes involved in wastewater treatment are cost effective and easy to follow will act as an impetus. Hence discussing about the processes involved inwastewater treatment and their relative merits and demerits becomes pertinent.
Travelling green is not only travelling. Travelling is movement to relatively distant places for any purpose and duration. Travelling may be without the aid of transport. Travelling includes stay for a considerable duration. Travelling is not only tourism.
The world's fish resources have progressively been dwindling, and there are many factors that have contributed to this crisis. Much of this has been blamed on poor monitoring control and lack of adequate regulation. In addition, the practice of drift net fishing has been a cause of great concer
Earth Day activities have evolved since the first Earth Day celebration 40 years ago. A look at how schools in North America are taking environmental action shows us a diversity of ways in which schools are going green. Earth Day is becoming less of a reminder about the need to care for the Earth as
Methane is the principal component in natural gas and is produced from a wide variety of natural and man-made processes. In the context of livestock, methane is produced by the group of animals know as ruminants. Cattle, sheep and goats are domestically produced ruminant animals in Australia, with o
A growing momentum is expected to cause harsh effects to the auto industry. With more stringent fuel economy standards that are deemed harsher than what is proposed by President Bush, the industry is expected to be wrapped in a chaotic cloak.