Society & Culture & Entertainment Environmental

Travelling Green

Travelling green is not only travelling.
Travelling is movement to relatively distant places for any purpose and duration.
Travelling may be without the aid of transport.
Travelling includes stay for a considerable duration.
Travelling is not only tourism.
Tourism is a kind of travelling undertaken for leisure, recreational or business purpose.
Eco-tourism is a subset of green travelling.
Ecotourism is concerned with ecological conservation and covers places with abundance of flora, fauna and places of cultural heritage.
Green travelling begins with preparation that one makes before embarking upon a travel and ends with sharing experience with friends and neighbors in order to spread the message of green living.
First of all, plan a very light luggage.
Movement of heavy luggage adds to warming.
Secondly, follow the saying, "When in Rome..
" This way, you would be helping local support and services including food to be utilized nearest to their point of creation.
If you are staying away for a longer period then consume all the eatables stored in the fridge, clean it thoroughly and put off the switch.
Using some kind of wedge, keep the fridge doors open a few millimeters for getting flushed with fresh air.
If you are an avid energy saver, then you must have a master switch to keep every electrical gadget in off mode.
There are green plants which may be needing irrigation at least once in a week.
Tell a friend indeed to help you in need.
If you are an expert gardener then use dripping to continue very slowly but surely.
You have already begun the beginning of green travelling.
Now do the second best thing.
Rent a hybrid car running on ethanol-gasoline blend.
I shall not ask you to find out a battery driven or a solar energy driven car.
Try to plan your travel by electric driven trains wherever possible.
If plane travel is imminent then try to offset carbon emission from your air travel.
This may cost you $10 or something more but the next step which you would choose shall dilute such expenditure and help you in maintaining a healthy life style.
Use bicycle or travelling on foot, wherever the distance is short and environment is oxygen rich.
You do not have to work hard to get a green hotel of your choice and comfort.
Go online or consult your travel agent.
In almost every nook and corner of the world such hotels are available.
If you are wondering about such availability in rural and remote areas then my friend, these place are still very much environment friendly.
While staying in hotels, try to use as much water as is necessary.
You may save some by using shower to take bath and closing the taps when not in use.
Do not keep all the electrical gadgets like air conditioners, television, room heaters etc running if these have served your purpose.
You have come out of your home to see the world.
Open the windows to get fresh and cool air and simultaneously savor the landscape outside.
Remember proof of travelling green is in sharing the experience with others.
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