Society & Culture & Entertainment Environmental

Save the Earth From Climate Change From Your Desk

Climate change issue awareness is a hot issue now considering on its tremendous impacts on our life.
Understanding the issue is not enough as you need to act.
Everyone can do it from their desks either at the office or home.
It may be small but meaningful.
Are you ready to environmental warrior? Print less Do not print unless it is for crucial purpose.
You can read your document from your screen.
If possible, print on double-sided paper.
Reducing the paper consumption indirectly reducing the number of trees cut for paper making.
Use your electronic devices wisely Turn of your computer, printer, TV and other electronic devices when you finish.
By letting them in stand by position, they consume more electricity.
Study in UK shows that the stand by electronic devices in UK consumes 8% of total domestic electricity consumption per year.
Work efficiently Work smart not long hours.
The longer you work using electronic devices, the more electricity you consume.
Work efficiently so you can spend less time using electronic devices.
Survey suggests that the more you work the less you are productive as you have less concentration in longer hours.
The longer you work means the more likely you are depressed as you produce less.
Recycle Stop throwing used paper into your trash bin.
Instead send them to recycling project.
There have been some initiatives on recycling papers.
Check the recycle organization close by your house or office.
Don't throw away used paper as you can use their other side.
if possible, you can use recycled paper.
Conference meeting Instead of travel, you can benefit from conference meeting.
You can use free online conference facility such Skype, Yahoo Messenger and others to reduce traveling.
Reducing travels means you reduce your carbon prints form the transportation mode you use.
However you need to check the quality of your internet connection and the other ends to ensure the quality of online conference.
AC/heating The less you spend time at the office the less you consume energy on heating or AC.
This relates closely with how efficient you work.
Plant a tree Put a plant in your desk.
Not only it brings you more oxygen but also it reduces the radiation from different electronic devices you use.
Use your own mug Use your own mug or glass instead of using plastic glass for water or coffee.
All you need to do is to wash, dry and store it again.
You reduce plastic garbage and at the same time you save money from buying plastic glass.
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