Health & Medical: Learning About the Cave of the Palawan Underground River

Learning About the Cave of the Palawan Underground River

Other than its length, the Palawan Underground River is famous for the different rock formations you'll see inside the cave. Learning about the cave and its formations can help you appreciate the tour better.

Health & Medical: Homemade Biodiesel Kits Are Used by First Timers to Make Biodiesel Fuel

Homemade Biodiesel Kits Are Used by First Timers to Make Biodiesel Fuel

The article shows what resources to use when using homemade biodiesel kits to make fuel.The cost of fuel has gone up again that people are thinking of alternative ways to save up on other things just so they can still continue to make use of their vehicles. Actually, there is a better way by which w

Health & Medical: The Role Of The US Environmental Protection Agency In Environmental Remediation

The Role Of The US Environmental Protection Agency In Environmental Remediation

What is environmental remediation and which agency in the United States is directly responsible for it? Environmental remediation is an important industrial practice for the preservation of the natural environment. It is the body of science that deals with the removal and treatment of contaminants o

Health & Medical: Sustainable Development In India Through Corporate Social Responsibility

Sustainable Development In India Through Corporate Social Responsibility

India is a great country, endowed with opulence of natural resources; but there is still dearth of serious effort in attaining a sustainable growth path that will lead us to self-reliance. Self reliance is a way of life that makes an economy to survive on its own, relying on its human capital and na

Health & Medical: The California Desert and Solar Power

The California Desert and Solar Power

A huge solar generating plant, the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating Facility, recently opened on federal land near the California/Nevada border, about 45 miles south of Las Vegas. Besides electricity, it has generated controversy about its impact on the environment.

Health & Medical: Does All This Snowfall Disprove Climate Change?

Does All This Snowfall Disprove Climate Change?

This has been one heckuva (helluva) weather year on the east coast. I'm sitting here while a three and half foot drift of snow is piled against my front door while snow continues to fall on a town where yearly records have already been shattered (I think I read that somewhere).

Health & Medical: The Many Benefits of Solar Panels

The Many Benefits of Solar Panels

With ever growing concerns about the state of the environment and the continually rising cost of energy, more and more people are looking at alternatives to conventional energy uses. Today wind turbines, hydro power and solar panels are all being used within homes as a source of energy and there are

Health & Medical: Practical Actions To Reclaim A Safe Climate: Car Transportation

Practical Actions To Reclaim A Safe Climate: Car Transportation

Road transportation is the second biggest source of energy-based carbon emission in the world and one of the easiest to make major cuts in. Pedal bikes are cheap, efficient and virtually emissions free but they do have limited range and load carrying abilities for most people. The popularity of cars

Health & Medical: Paperless Environment

Paperless Environment

Until a couple of years ago, an ideal office used to be filled up with papers, files and paper racks. It was an enormous task to arrange these files in racks and maintain them. There was always the danger of fire or other means of damage that would result in permanent loss of those papers.

Health & Medical: Lawmakers Naive About Americas Fresh Water Supplies

Lawmakers Naive About Americas Fresh Water Supplies

Every so often our lawmakers actually have a chance to make a real difference for our nation, but for the most part they blow it, because they have no clue as to the deep issues of the subject or time to educate themselves. Instead they rely on skewed data without knowing and consider what is best f

Health & Medical: Top Reasons to Dispose Milk & Juice Cartons Properly

Top Reasons to Dispose Milk & Juice Cartons Properly

t is always good to install appropriate size recycling container in homes, cafes, and other areas to reduce carton waste in these areas. There are many recycling container manufacturing companies that are supplying special recycling containers for collecting milk and juice cartons.

Health & Medical: Save Energy at Home for a Green World

Save Energy at Home for a Green World

Alternative energy is about maintaining a balance between the energy being consumed and the new potential energy sources being created. It's more important than ever to save energy and money when we can. The financial crisis that's gripping the world means that many people are searching fo

Health & Medical: Computer Accessories And How They Relate To E-Waste

Computer Accessories And How They Relate To E-Waste

On the onset of computers, many add-on accessories cam to the market to cater to the rise of computer usage. Now that computer technology is fast evolving, what happens to those old technology that we used in the last technological trend, and how can we be responsible on what happens to them?