Society & Culture & Entertainment Environmental

Does All This Snowfall Disprove Climate Change?

This has been one heckuva (helluva) weather year on the east coast.
I'm sitting here while a three and half foot drift of snow is piled against my front door while snow continues to fall on a town where yearly records have already been shattered (I think I read that somewhere).
We've had a very white Christmas, a dumping of two feet in January, and now another monster storm leaving us working from home (yeah right) and writing mediocre blog postings just to maintain the small bit of sanity that remains within us.
I was also in Orlando, Florida in January of this year when the high temperature was thirty five degrees Fahrenheit.
I don't know where these people got all these hats and gloves, but I certainly didn't have any and I was freezing my rear end off.
Needless to say this winter has turned the Carolinas into a fishtailing frenzy of wintertime extravaganza.
Every time we get this abnormally cold weather or excessive snowfall, people start saying things like, "How 'bout your global warming now John?" And then start snickering and fist-bumping with their conservative buddies, and muttering things like, "dumb tree hugger" under their breath.
I often try to explain to them that global warming has only increased the Earth's temperature by about 1 degree Celsius, and that climate change can actually result in more extreme weather on both sides of the temperate spectrum.
This is usually countered with some kind of belly laugh and big sigh.
I doubt we're getting anywhere with this argument.
"ln the simulations I've analyzed, you can get some quite big blizzards up until the year 2040," said Raymond Pierrehumbert, professor of geophysics at the University of Chicago.
"But between 2040 and 2080, it starts to get too warm to have much snow at all and it gradually sort of peters out.
Experts say precipitation will likely increase in many parts of the country, while others experience drought.
In Illinois, storms with extreme precipitation have become more frequent by 3 percent each decade from 1931 to 1996, according to a study by the Illinois State Water Survey and the National Climatic Data Center.
Of course global climate change hasn't been proven beyond an absolute doubt, so there is a chance that we could be creating a big fuss and of course, a better World, for nothing.
But evidently in the minds of nay-sayers the consequences don't outweigh the sacrifices.
However, I think it is safe to conclude that snow storms and abnormally cold weather does nothing to disprove or discredit theories of global climate change.
And if these large groups of scientists are correct, we could be in store for some more extreme weather in the upcoming years, so hold on tight and enjoy it while it lasts, for it may not be around forever.
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