Health & Medical: Free Range Poultry Issues

Free Range Poultry Issues

The image we have in mind when we purchase free range chicken and eggs is of happy hens strolling around a lovely field eating to their hearts content without a care in the world. It turns out the the term 'free range' can be rather loosely applied in many countries.

Health & Medical: Thinking Outside the Box for Recycling Part 1

Thinking Outside the Box for Recycling Part 1

In previous emails I've discussed different methods when it comes to recycling different materials, house hold objects and different items to help the environment and make a healthier and friendly place to live. Now this article will guide you to think outside the box when it comes to recycling

Health & Medical: Ways to Compact Trash Into a Landfill

Ways to Compact Trash Into a Landfill

As in individual, there aren't a lot of different ways to compact the trash you compile in your home. In fact, the only way to really compact trash is to use a trash compactor. This appliance won't be reducing the amount of trash you have but it will make it fit into a much smaller space.

Health & Medical: Storm Clouds on the Solar Horizon

Storm Clouds on the Solar Horizon

How do you embrace green energy without the old technology providers becoming broke and obsolete in the process? That is the dilemma faced by the City of Austin and Austin Energy as they try to promote solar energy.

Health & Medical: Save The Planet Your Way

Save The Planet Your Way

There are more ways to save the planet than by just staying home instead of traveling. There are hundreds of other ways that people generally do not connect with saving the planet. Yet, we can be individuals in our choices of the way we help.Anything you do to make your area, your space, more breath

Health & Medical: Tom Friedman Writes About Better Place, Electric Car Start - Up

Tom Friedman Writes About Better Place, Electric Car Start - Up

Tom Friedman of The New York Times isn't finished beating up the Detroit auto companies. In his Dec. 9 column, "While Detroit Slept," he likens the idea of a Detroit bailout to pouring billions of dollars into saving the CD music business at the advent of the iPod and iTunes.

Health & Medical: Learn the History of Recycling

Learn the History of Recycling

Recycling has been a common practice for most of the mankind history, with recorded advocates as far back as Plato in 400 BC. During periods when resources were scarce, archaeological studies of ancient waste dumps show less household waste (such as ash, broken tools and pottery)-implying more waste

Health & Medical: Home Owners Who Dug Their Own Hole For Rainwater Harvesting

Home Owners Who Dug Their Own Hole For Rainwater Harvesting

As many London home owners baulk at the idea of fitting rainwater harvesting because of the problems involved in getting a 5000 litre rainwater tank through those narrow Victorian doors and stairways into the back garden. This article gives you a practical example of how the new race of tanks that c

Health & Medical: Protect the Ocean Biome By Means of Education

Protect the Ocean Biome By Means of Education

These days, young children can enjoy directly how it is like to be a marine biologist or oceanographer at a marine institute. What they discover can lead them to appreciate and preserve the ocean and also the animals living in it.

Health & Medical: Going Green - Want to Join, But Aren't You Beginning to Hate That Color?

Going Green - Want to Join, But Aren't You Beginning to Hate That Color?

Getting sick of "green" and every company in the universe trying to tell you that they and you can save the planet? Of course you have to buy their product to do it. Bamboo for flooring, sea grass for rugs, recycled paper, corn for gas, hybrid cars and you'll save the planet from glob

Health & Medical: Obama Vs Bush Position on Environment - What Should We Expect Going Forward?

Obama Vs Bush Position on Environment - What Should We Expect Going Forward?

Environment, rather global warming to be precise, has become the burning issue of the present time, round the globe. With atmosphere modification causing serious consequences, authorities all over the world have stirred to fix this grave danger hovering on mankind. But political system often hinders

Health & Medical: Nanosilver


Silver nanoparticles are added to a variety of home products that many of us use on a daily basis. Could this exposure to sources of nanosilver cause adverse health effects?

Health & Medical: Five Environmental Message Mistakes And How to Fix Them

Five Environmental Message Mistakes And How to Fix Them

You've heard the phrase "look before you leap." But what does that mean when it comes to environmental writing and awareness activities? Savvy communicators know that when the stakes are high, pre-testing your message can help you avoid mistakes and achieve the results you want.

Health & Medical: 3 Ways on How to Go Green

3 Ways on How to Go Green

A greener and eco-friendly lifestyle doesn't have to be tiring and expensive. You don't have to wait for the Earth day to come to participate in boosting the awareness of environmental concerns. Embracing a greener lifestyle doesn't really have to be that demanding. It's just a l

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