Society & Culture & Entertainment Environmental

Ways to Compact Trash Into a Landfill

As in individual, there aren't a lot of different ways to compact the trash you compile in your home.
In fact, the only way to really compact trash is to use a trash compactor.
This appliance won't be reducing the amount of trash you have but it will make it fit into a much smaller space.
Since landfills have so much waste by definition, compacting trash can be a great way to keep the landfill from overflowing with trash.
When you are using a trash compactor, be careful not to put in dangerous materials along with it.
Chemicals, paints, and even metal parts can be hazardous if they are thrown out with regular trash.
Glass can also be a problem because it can damage the compactor itself and make the condensed trash unsafe to handle.
You can also compact trash yourself without the use of a compactor although the results won't be exactly the same.
Use containers you are throwing away to fill with more trash so that it takes up less space overall.
Naturally it's not as good as using the trash compactor but it's the best option if you need to throw things out and you don't have this tool at your disposal.
Pushing down on the trash while it is still in the trash can also help to reduce the size of your trash.
Limiting the amount of trash you create altogether can also be a way to compact trash that will go to a landfill because there will be less trash altogether.
The easiest way to do this is start recycling.
The local dump will have recycling bins you can use to keep your recyclable materials sorted.
Glass, cardboard and paper are all recyclable.
If you are in a state that charges deposits on carbonated beverages, save the cans and bottles to return to get your deposit back.
' You can also reuse a lot of household items that would normally become part of the trash.
Plastic bags can be used for cleaning up after pets and they make free liners for smaller trash cans.
Some people have even filled cushions with them for decorative pillows or seat cushions.
Fabric can easily be reused no matter where it came from even if it has stains.
Tie-dye or bleach can cover a stain and create a unique look for homemade curtains or sheets.
Even computers can be recycled by taking them apart and selling the parts that still work.
Even changing your lifestyle can reduce your trash.
Cleaning with homemade solutions lowers the amount of trash you have and the toxic waste.
Eat at home more often with home cooked meals because fast food has a lot of trash.
Purchase only things that you need to have and can't just borrow from someone else.
When you do need to make purchases you should buy high quality items that will last a long time.
All of these things will make it easier for you to compact the amount of trash you send to a landfill.
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