Most folks are completely behind the "green movement" and have found a new interest in alternative energy.
Most of this has to do with the Global Warming motif and huge amount of media coverage on CO2.
Now please understand that in the spirit of full-disclosure I am not a Global Warming Alarmist and do not buy into the theory that mankind's CO2 is heating up the atmosphere.
Okay, let us discuss the Dot Com Bubble and the Bubble Burst that ripped through Silicon Valley like a Category 5 Hurricane.
Venture Capital firms flush with cash were doing deals with companies, start-ups with interesting ideas for website, without any way of ever making any money and no similar business models that had ever proven to be successful.
Next, let us look at the Housing Bubble, when house flippers, new home buyers and real estate investors were buying homes at the top of the market and mortgage companies were funding these purchases with reckless abandonment, most of the deals with no money down at a time when it was known that it was the top of the market.
Why did they do it? Now fast forward to the latest focus, a "green" alternative energy future, with plenty of funding and considered to be a safe bet.
After all, anything that is green is in right? Sure, right now, but just because it's green or a shade of green does not mean it will produce green dollars.
Many businesses have great ideas and concepts for alternative energy however they are relying on the good graces of the consumer to pay more for them.
These companies and their financial backers assume that citizens who care about the environment will pay more for the green label.
Further, they are relying on the government to purchase what they sell, give tax breaks and incentives consumers for buying them and punish their non-green competing companies with increased regulation.
So, what we have here is the funding of businesses that may never make a profit, government promoting them, speculators jumping on board and unlimited monies being channeled in that direction.
Therefore, if you get into the green scene, get in and ride the wave and then get out before the next big bubble breaks with the green slime all over your face!
Most of this has to do with the Global Warming motif and huge amount of media coverage on CO2.
Now please understand that in the spirit of full-disclosure I am not a Global Warming Alarmist and do not buy into the theory that mankind's CO2 is heating up the atmosphere.
Okay, let us discuss the Dot Com Bubble and the Bubble Burst that ripped through Silicon Valley like a Category 5 Hurricane.
Venture Capital firms flush with cash were doing deals with companies, start-ups with interesting ideas for website, without any way of ever making any money and no similar business models that had ever proven to be successful.
Next, let us look at the Housing Bubble, when house flippers, new home buyers and real estate investors were buying homes at the top of the market and mortgage companies were funding these purchases with reckless abandonment, most of the deals with no money down at a time when it was known that it was the top of the market.
Why did they do it? Now fast forward to the latest focus, a "green" alternative energy future, with plenty of funding and considered to be a safe bet.
After all, anything that is green is in right? Sure, right now, but just because it's green or a shade of green does not mean it will produce green dollars.
Many businesses have great ideas and concepts for alternative energy however they are relying on the good graces of the consumer to pay more for them.
These companies and their financial backers assume that citizens who care about the environment will pay more for the green label.
Further, they are relying on the government to purchase what they sell, give tax breaks and incentives consumers for buying them and punish their non-green competing companies with increased regulation.
So, what we have here is the funding of businesses that may never make a profit, government promoting them, speculators jumping on board and unlimited monies being channeled in that direction.
Therefore, if you get into the green scene, get in and ride the wave and then get out before the next big bubble breaks with the green slime all over your face!