Health & Medical: Handicap Stair Lifts Prices and Alternative Choices

Handicap Stair Lifts Prices and Alternative Choices

Stairlifts can be a rather costly add-on to a home with nearly most of the costs coming out of your pockets. Medicare will not cover the installing of stair lifts. Medicare does not pay for home modif

Health & Medical: Handicap Hand Controls for Disabled Drivers

Handicap Hand Controls for Disabled Drivers

Cars were clearly never invented to cater to the needs of disabled people, but in our more enlightened era where disabled people are no longer treated like second class citizens more and more is being across the world to help them to do the things which they should be able to do. Walking naturally

Health & Medical: The Right Wheelchair for Your Child

The Right Wheelchair for Your Child

The modern wheelchair will come in a variety of diverse sizes and shapes depending upon the purchasers specific requirements. When choosing a child's chair it can be very problematic as there are countless variables which need to be taken into consideration. Here I have outlined a few tips for

Health & Medical: Panic Disorder and Disability Tax Credit

Panic Disorder and Disability Tax Credit

Disability tax credits are provided by the Canadian government and the CDC helps you to get them as they take care of every minute detail on your behalf and make the process fast and easy.

Health & Medical: Sprained Ankles And Braces

Sprained Ankles And Braces

There are a number of ways someone can sprain their ankle. Statistically the most frequent injuries occur during participation in sports or other similar activities, though simply incorrectly landing or walking can result in a low level sprain too.

Health & Medical: Nine Top Therapies to Improve Speech Disorder

Nine Top Therapies to Improve Speech Disorder

Speech is the key to communication and the most essential fact for human being. We use speech for communication and speech development naturally occurs immediately after the birth. There is no specifi

Health & Medical: After The Crash - Recovering From A Car Accident

After The Crash - Recovering From A Car Accident

Car accidents cause a wide range of injuries from minor to devastating. Many accidents leave the people involved with injuries somewhere between the two extremes such as whiplash or other soft tissue

Health & Medical: Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factors

Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factors

Diabetes type 2 is a lifestyle disease that is strongly associated with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and weight gain, particularly around the waist (apple shape). Type 2 diabetes may be preve

Health & Medical: Invacare Walker Manufacturer Committed To Care for the Mobility Challenged

Invacare Walker Manufacturer Committed To Care for the Mobility Challenged

Invacare meaning INovation, VAlue and HealthCARE are one of the leading manufacturers and distributors of mobility equipment were once a division of Johnson and Johnson Company. Malachi Mixon III purchased this division from Johnspn and Johnson in 1979 and transformed the lack luster division into a

Health & Medical: Being Aware When To Pursue A Depuy Pinnacle Lawsuit

Being Aware When To Pursue A Depuy Pinnacle Lawsuit

DePuy Orthopaedics, a subsidiary of pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson, has been a trusted name in the medical device industry for over a hundred years. With the recall of the ASR hip replacement system last fall, the company is now facing litigation directed at the Pinnacle hip replacement syst

Health & Medical: How to Design a Wheelchair

How to Design a Wheelchair

Selecting the best wheelchair with an appropriate fit can feel overwhelming. However, understanding the principles behind wheelchair configuration aids you in ordering your wheelchair with an optimal fit. Furthermore, factoring in additional considerations assists you in ensuring your wheelchair is

Health & Medical: Victory Scooters

Victory Scooters

A Victory scooter, more popularly called the Pride victory scooter is a three wheeler designed for people with limited mobility issues. It is boon for those who face problems moving from one place to another and serves people who are physically challenged. These scooters can be used indoors and outd

Health & Medical: Disability Tax Credit for Fibromyalgia Syndrome

Disability Tax Credit for Fibromyalgia Syndrome

Fibromyalgia can be a crippling disability and is associated with a lot of muscle pain sometimes causing problems at a cognitive level. Such people can claim tax benefits from the Canadian government.

Health & Medical: What Are the Levels of Intellectual Disability?

What Are the Levels of Intellectual Disability?

A diagnosis of intellectual disability mandates the person meet two criteria. The first criterion is a below-average score on an intelligence test. The second is ongoing limited functioning in daily living skills, which include dressing, self-care, communication, typical age level play or education.

Health & Medical: Tips For Buying Adult Incontinence Supplies

Tips For Buying Adult Incontinence Supplies

Incontinence problem is a growing problem among adults. There is no escape if you get affected by it as you will have to deal with it or get in touch with a doctor to overcome it. However, you will have to ensure that you take proper care and buy the right incontinence supplies to end any irritation