Today, for most of the couples it's become challenging to conceive, sustain a pregnancy without much complication and achieve birth of healthy baby. In an average there is 15 to 25 percent chance of conceiving during a cycle and nearly 85 percent of fertile couples make it happen within 12 months of having regular unprotected sexual intercourse.
Infertility can be defined as an inability to conceive a baby even after having regular unprotected sex over a year. The problem either could be with woman's reproductive system or male's reproductive system. In some cases, the problem lies with both the partners. With the help of advanced infertility treatments more than 30- 40 percent of couples successfully achieve pregnancy within short span of two years.
Most of the couples consult fertility doctor or clinics to determine the cause of infertility and get its proper treatment. In some women the problem occurred with their ovaries or ovulation process, blockage of fallopian tubes due to endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease or hostile mucus of cervix. On male counterpart, most defective sperm is the common reason of infertility.
Sometimes, genetic make-up of a partner could prevent the couple to conceive a baby. Mostly hormonal disorders are the major reasons behind the female infertility. In such cases the common symptoms include
Changes in sex desire and drive
Unusual weight gain
Dark hair growth on upper-lips, chin and chest
Loss and thinning of hair
Acne and skin changes
Pain during sex
White milky discharge from nipples
On the other side, male infertility symptoms include
Change in sexual desire
Ejaculation and erections problems
Firm and small testicles
Pain, swelling or lump formation in testicles
Change in hair growth
Usually, the infertility specialist performs various physical examinations and takes detailed personal history of a couple having conceiving issues that include menstrual irregularities, obesity, eating disorders, sexual pattern, stress, lifestyle, occupational hazards, prescribed or illegal drugs, previous contraception, exercise methods, habits (smoking/ alcohol etc). In order to determine the cause of infertility blood test is carried out by specialist to check level of prolactin, thyroid hormone and androgens.
If woman's tests show symptoms of any gynec problem like uterine fibroids, endometriosis doctor refers her to an endocrinologist or a gynecologist. Males usually go through a sperm analysis that provides details of sperm counts, their movements or abnormality. In some cases, the invasive tests are also required. After the detailed examinations and determining the cause of infertility doctor suggest the most suitable infertility solutions.
Some common tips help to maximize the fertility chances such as
Improve your lifestyle
Change health injurious habits like smoking and alcohol
Practice hygiene to avoid infections
Regular exercise regimen to maintain a healthy weight
Living stress-free life by engaging themselves with interesting activities
Practicing yoga, meditation, deep breathing and other anti-anxiety exercise
Preparing your body for re-establishing natural periods, before giving a try (especially when you recently taken hormonal contraception)
€Parent of fertility' is one of the most advanced fertility centers of India providing comprehensive range of infertility treatments by highly qualified and experienced doctors and specialists.
Infertility can be defined as an inability to conceive a baby even after having regular unprotected sex over a year. The problem either could be with woman's reproductive system or male's reproductive system. In some cases, the problem lies with both the partners. With the help of advanced infertility treatments more than 30- 40 percent of couples successfully achieve pregnancy within short span of two years.
Most of the couples consult fertility doctor or clinics to determine the cause of infertility and get its proper treatment. In some women the problem occurred with their ovaries or ovulation process, blockage of fallopian tubes due to endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease or hostile mucus of cervix. On male counterpart, most defective sperm is the common reason of infertility.
Sometimes, genetic make-up of a partner could prevent the couple to conceive a baby. Mostly hormonal disorders are the major reasons behind the female infertility. In such cases the common symptoms include
Changes in sex desire and drive
Unusual weight gain
Dark hair growth on upper-lips, chin and chest
Loss and thinning of hair
Acne and skin changes
Pain during sex
White milky discharge from nipples
On the other side, male infertility symptoms include
Change in sexual desire
Ejaculation and erections problems
Firm and small testicles
Pain, swelling or lump formation in testicles
Change in hair growth
Usually, the infertility specialist performs various physical examinations and takes detailed personal history of a couple having conceiving issues that include menstrual irregularities, obesity, eating disorders, sexual pattern, stress, lifestyle, occupational hazards, prescribed or illegal drugs, previous contraception, exercise methods, habits (smoking/ alcohol etc). In order to determine the cause of infertility blood test is carried out by specialist to check level of prolactin, thyroid hormone and androgens.
If woman's tests show symptoms of any gynec problem like uterine fibroids, endometriosis doctor refers her to an endocrinologist or a gynecologist. Males usually go through a sperm analysis that provides details of sperm counts, their movements or abnormality. In some cases, the invasive tests are also required. After the detailed examinations and determining the cause of infertility doctor suggest the most suitable infertility solutions.
Some common tips help to maximize the fertility chances such as
Improve your lifestyle
Change health injurious habits like smoking and alcohol
Practice hygiene to avoid infections
Regular exercise regimen to maintain a healthy weight
Living stress-free life by engaging themselves with interesting activities
Practicing yoga, meditation, deep breathing and other anti-anxiety exercise
Preparing your body for re-establishing natural periods, before giving a try (especially when you recently taken hormonal contraception)
€Parent of fertility' is one of the most advanced fertility centers of India providing comprehensive range of infertility treatments by highly qualified and experienced doctors and specialists.