Business & Finance: What Are the Duties of a Clinical Lab Aide Working in a Blood Bank?

What Are the Duties of a Clinical Lab Aide Working in a Blood Bank?

A clinical laboratory aide, sometimes referred to as a laboratory technician, works under a lab manager and is responsible for helping to perform the tests done in the blood bank, including cross matching blood types and testing for drug levels in the blood. Most blood bank laboratory aides work in

Business & Finance: U.S. Military Pulling Out Of Iceland

U.S. Military Pulling Out Of Iceland

The U.S. government has announced plans to remove its forces from Naval Air Station Keflavik, in Iceland, this fall, but reaffirmed its ongoing commitment to the island nation's security.

Business & Finance: Finding an Ad Job For You

Finding an Ad Job For You

Ad jobs attract the attention of many who are looking for a creative outlet in their job while also earning a good salary. If you are someone who is interested in an advertising job and want to make the most of the employment opportunities generated by advertising companies then you can find all the

Business & Finance: Learning Through a College Internship

Learning Through a College Internship

Students are always looking to find new ways to better themselves so that once they graduate they will be well-prepared to take on the rigors or challenges of the real world. Employers often look for students with some real world experience under their belt so that they can ensure their new employee

Business & Finance: Clerk Enlisting In Indian Banks Through Ibps

Clerk Enlisting In Indian Banks Through Ibps

Recruitment isn't solely a really vital method, however additionally a really troublesome one. the rationale is that the businesses or the recruiters need to own the simplest candidates and at identical time, the candidates need to urge into the simplest corporations.

Business & Finance: Physician Recruiters: Why Need Certified Recruiters

Physician Recruiters: Why Need Certified Recruiters

Today, many hospitals and other healthcare organizations seek help from professional physician recruiters for the hiring of efficient physicians. If you take the service of a certified physician recru

Business & Finance: Welcome to the World of Careers Related to Social Work

Welcome to the World of Careers Related to Social Work

First thing to do when you take a decision to become a social worker is to give a pat on your back. The society needs and respects social workers. Social work is a broad aspect, wherein the details are customized as per the requirements and also as per the government based protocols.

Business & Finance: What to Look For In a Job Search Android App

What to Look For In a Job Search Android App

When it comes to job searching online, we tend to think of job searching on a home computer. With smart phone devices on the rise, more job seekers are job searching right from their phones and other devices. If you have an Android phone, you'll find plenty of job search tools on the Android Ma

Business & Finance: Need a Job - Improve Your Chances

Need a Job - Improve Your Chances

With a little work you can improve your chances of getting a job. Finding a way to make you stand out from the pack is the key. Leave the herd mentality behind. Read more ..,

Business & Finance: How to Get People to Listen to You

How to Get People to Listen to You

If you're having trouble getting people to listen to you, you may have to adjust the way you are speaking. People will stop listening to you if they don't understand you. They will also tune you out if you are speaking too slow or fast, or if you're using a flat voice. By following a few simple spea

Business & Finance: Radiology Jobs - An Essential Part of Healthcare

Radiology Jobs - An Essential Part of Healthcare

Anyone working in a Radiology job is called a Radiologist or a Radiology Technician. And according to recent reports, there is a worldwide shortage of qualified people for these positions. To help ove

Business & Finance: The Best Job Perks

The Best Job Perks

A small number of employers offer on-site childcare for employees.Jupiterimages/Goodshoot/Getty ImagesA job perk is an extra payment or benefit you receive as an employee, according to the Macmillan Dictionary. Theater tickets are listed as a perk a company might offer its employees. Job...

Business & Finance: Does Your Job Applicant Have a Criminal Record?

Does Your Job Applicant Have a Criminal Record?

When job candidates fill out an application or provide a resume, you can safely assume most won't offer details about criminal convictions in their past. Sadly, many employers either don't have the time, resources, or inclination to conduct employment background checks. So, the omissions g

Business & Finance: Do Women Still Face Glass Ceilings in Hiring?

Do Women Still Face Glass Ceilings in Hiring?

Do women face a glass ceiling when it comes to getting hired - Have female graduates been discouraged from pursuing the same career paths as their male counterparts

Business & Finance: Financial Services Job FAQ

Financial Services Job FAQ

2 week thought?Typically, are you supposed to put your 2 week resignition notice in exactly 2 weeks previously you last planned day to work? Or can you put it surrounded by a few months in advance?

Business & Finance: Why Getting a Job Is So Last Year

Why Getting a Job Is So Last Year

Are you honestly prepared to keep searching for the "perfect" job, only to find that in your ideal world this doesn't actually exist? A rather direct question wouldn't you say? Surely getting a job is the right thing to do - to support your lifestyle now and into the future?