Are you honestly prepared to keep searching for the "perfect" job, only to find that in your ideal world this doesn't actually exist? A rather direct question wouldn't you say? Surely getting a job is the right thing to do - to support your lifestyle now and into the future? Consider how we are conditioned to think from the time we start school.
Throughout our years of education there is one single and constant driving force presented to us: the purpose of an education is to get a job.
Your job will help you pay for life so to speak.
Your job will provide for your family and for your future.
It's what we are told, over and over again.
Is this the reality we are presented with today? Did you know there IS another way? It's about an unconditioned way of thinking.
This alternative may not suit everyone however for the many who have already been enlightened by this approach to working and living, there is certain promise (and security) for their future.
The truth is - there is NO such thing as job security anymore.
World economies will keep riding the rollercoaster.
In particular here in the UK with public sector cutbacks, rising unemployment and the age to collect the pension moving beyond 65 years, the traditional mindset and conditioning of the past is not the way forward for the future.
Getting a job is really so last year.
Among many progressive thinking global entrepreneurs there is a growing hope that the current generation of school leavers will be exposed to this alternative way of developing a working lifestyle.
These leaders of innovation aim to educate students about becoming entrepreneurs, rather than collectively joining the herd of school leavers who funnel themselves into the so-called "right" path to college or university, and a lifetime spent working for a boss.
What if a you were to say, "I choose to build a working lifestyle based on what I love to do and what I am good at (and that I enjoy doing)".
Think about it.
You give yourself an opportunity to start a new career path for yourself, one that is built on passion, talent and belief.
You give yourself an opportunity to step away from the uncertainty of needing to have a job and you can almost bypass the possibility of losing your job as well.
You have a chance to future proof what you do.
It's a rather amazing and life-changing concept don't you think? What do you have to lose?
Throughout our years of education there is one single and constant driving force presented to us: the purpose of an education is to get a job.
Your job will help you pay for life so to speak.
Your job will provide for your family and for your future.
It's what we are told, over and over again.
Is this the reality we are presented with today? Did you know there IS another way? It's about an unconditioned way of thinking.
This alternative may not suit everyone however for the many who have already been enlightened by this approach to working and living, there is certain promise (and security) for their future.
The truth is - there is NO such thing as job security anymore.
World economies will keep riding the rollercoaster.
In particular here in the UK with public sector cutbacks, rising unemployment and the age to collect the pension moving beyond 65 years, the traditional mindset and conditioning of the past is not the way forward for the future.
Getting a job is really so last year.
Among many progressive thinking global entrepreneurs there is a growing hope that the current generation of school leavers will be exposed to this alternative way of developing a working lifestyle.
These leaders of innovation aim to educate students about becoming entrepreneurs, rather than collectively joining the herd of school leavers who funnel themselves into the so-called "right" path to college or university, and a lifetime spent working for a boss.
What if a you were to say, "I choose to build a working lifestyle based on what I love to do and what I am good at (and that I enjoy doing)".
Think about it.
You give yourself an opportunity to start a new career path for yourself, one that is built on passion, talent and belief.
You give yourself an opportunity to step away from the uncertainty of needing to have a job and you can almost bypass the possibility of losing your job as well.
You have a chance to future proof what you do.
It's a rather amazing and life-changing concept don't you think? What do you have to lose?