- 1). Vary the tone of your voice. A voice with highs and lows is more pleasant to listen to than one that is monotone.
- 2). Moderate the pace at which you speak. Speaking too fast will turn people off because they will not be able to keep up with your statements. Speaking too slow will cause others to lose interest in what you are saying. Try to speak at an average rate of 125 words a minute. Use well-placed pauses to slow down your pace if you are tripping over your words. Pick up the pace a little if you notice that other people are showing signs of boredom or doing other things while you are speaking.
- 3). Monitor the volume of your voice. Don't speak too softly or loudly. Modulate your voice for effect based on what you are presenting to keep people interested.
- 4). Make sure that the information you are presenting is well-organized and factual. People will tune you out if your speech is all over the place or if you are telling a tall tale. Practice what you are going to say to make your message compelling, appealing and persuasive.