**** Would u be sunny beside this bonus and angle?****?
we found out our bonus and raise amount 2 weeks ago and i got $1250.00 back tha 45% tax and $700.00 raise im a bit pissed sour about the whole situation this is $400.00 smaller amount than the raise i got closing year. i remember my coworker opening her envelope and she had a big butter smile on her face and she is the one who is always discussion back to the boss etc etc...i dont know if i should talk to my boss give or take a few it...
**Can your own expertise be your own demise at ur position **?
I am very good at what I do on my desk and i also know adjectives the other positions in the departments. Seems like even control comes to me for stuff when they dont understand certain things. But for masses years they told me that they would keep me in mind when opportunity came up when i mentioned that I was bored and looked-for to do something different. Its almost as if they got scared and didnt want me to disappear my desk cause they think not a soul else can do it better. Its the trading desk and is highly complicated. But management have kept on passing me up on every opportunity that has come and gone..am i of late stuck at my desk cause they are too scared to tolerate me go? What should i do? I am not tooting my own horn im just sick of individual at this position and want to do something different but they seem to keep soothing me to keep me calm for the time mortal and then passing me by..is this true?
Hi there, I have a employment interview on Wednesday, and I HAVE to get this job. I would build double what I make now, and Id love it! PLEASE HELP,I blank out and am giddy, and don't know whats going on, and cant salary attention at interviews. HELP!?! what can I do? any tips on questions? Any online links that help?!?!? THANKS!
.. really? this is it?
I'm not sure if my expectations are off, or if it's the job bazaar right now. Please let me know what you have a sneaking suspicion that about this, and what I should do. I finished off my mba within may, and have a bsc electrical engineering. the only commission offers i've gotten so far have be internships.. no calls for jobs, a short time ago internships.. So i've taken up one that barely pays anything, and if i decide to stay the course, i'll be here another 6 months.. :( What humane of jobs should i be aiming for / expecting right now? I'm comparatively disappointed.
... chore set aside?
I went for 5 interviews meeting VP's, EVP's, Presidents, HR & the hiring proprietor and was offered the job, in black and white. One issue which had been discussed beside an EVP & HR was rather than a discretionary bonus, as national sale director a bonus based on asset growth is more aligned with their objectives & my nouns. It was received positively & with enthusiasm. It seem they have changed their mind as far as I can tell as not a soul is phoning me back. Over the last 10 days I've contacted HR & the hiring executive with polite follow up messages - no replies. My references are pristine and include a dune president. They had a third party agency beckon to check - odd judgement call - but worse, my reference felt they were uninformed & unengaged. The sandbank president gave a glowing recommend nevertheless. Clearly another contestant has appeared, cheaper & possibly better - I wish the best to the company & hope they grasp both...but this seems rude to me, is this standard hiring practice?
?HELP! i be these classes for a entry assignment within payroll clerk? also your experiences surrounded by the enclosed space?
HI, i was thinking of taking classes at local college for entry level situation as a payroll clerk, principles of accounting 1,payroll accounting, principles of federal taxation. if these classes are not enough what else would i need? and what are the work duties of a payroll clerk? what are the entry pay packet rates for this position? also i would like to know if these classes are enough for me to prepare peoples personal tariff form for extra cash?
{~Summer Job~}?
I'm looking for something to do during the summer, and I thought I might as well get some money. But the solitary problem is I don't know where to get a living and if anyone will hire a 15 year old. Does anyone have any suggestion? Thanx a Bunch!
12 year behind the times work?
My last question asked if i could be a caddie but i in fact need to know how to play. (thanks guys) What are some other jobs for a 12 year behind the times? laborish work, not lemonade or selling stuff, more like paper route but my neiberhood doesnt hold that
14 and inevitability brief?
im 14 and i wont a job but no pay i in recent times wont experiance and stuff i dont mined if its easy like going through email i dont mined
14 year mature need a career surrounded by corpus christi?
hi im 14 and need a job because my parents craft me pay for everything! my cellphone my jeans pants shoes cloths and stuff for fun and also they other go to cheap clothign stores that i hate and i repugnance becuase my friends are having cash and but stuff beside me broke and also my g/f is having so much more cash than me i can`t stand it and im 14 and in corpus christi and want a job as a bus boy surrounded by restraunts any1 hiring? i work for like 4 or 5an hour
15 year feeble job?
Are 15 year old aloud to post signs on the bulletin boards to advertise resembling what they can do. Like if they can tutor something to kids, or maybe babysitting, or lawn work. for some money.. are they aloud to do that?
15..involve a brief?
im 14, 15 in july and i want a job alot of my friends enjoy jobs in café and hairdressers and such like how do i find one?
16 year older commission, no food industry.?
hi im just now turning 16, and i be looking for a job that isnt a food industry. im good beside computers and many other things. does anyone have philosophy for a job?
17 years mature, can I work?
Hello there, Im a french students and im going to become an undergrad in Oxford Brookes soon. My one problem is my age: I am 17 and I wont be 18 until May... so here is my sound out: can i work? Im under 18 but over 14, so what does this mean for me? Will I individual get jobs resembling papper boy >< or can I work in shops or restaurant? Keep in mind that I am coming from outside the UK but still contained by EU Thank youu
17, dropping out of college, can I work officially?
I live in California, and I pretty much bombed in soaring school, I am credit deficient beyond repair and it's pretty much pointless to verbs. I want to start working and going towards getting my GED. Though I think California laws require citizens under 18 who are in university to have work permits through the university. Does this apply to dropped out students? I want a job over the summer, if I can't it's not a HUGE deal since I turn 18 contained by 4 months. If I can whats the best way to try and attempt to get a available job? Please help, Thanks
WELLS FARGO 13.00 AN HOUR fleet mortage company commisson + 400 a month allowance
2 moral job, which approach to budge?
Ok I left a great job because I saw plentiful others jumping ship and changes coming i wasnt sure of. I took another duty for more pay in my outdated field, am here for about 6 months and am not really sure If I want to step through the trials that go with tis area. A different exec of the company i left contacted me and wants me to come support, working for him, at a higher pay than when i moved out including a promotion. The one i have presently is more stable and less take-home pay (not much). the second one has some risks because it is a service type business. I have be thinkin about a career coach, but havent really look at them. Any planning?
2 question, work charter and earn money (13 yrs old) plz minister to!?
1. what is the age u can ge ta work permit? 2. what r some good ways for me, a 13 yr weak girl, to make money? i already do chores and get $10/week and surrounded by the summer im giong to babysit. im starting in the summer becuz of skool right now. what are some biddable ideas for earning money? i might start dog walking/pet strictness stuff for people in the summer 2. so yeah wat are some well-mannered ways to make extra cash?
2 week thought?
Typically, are you supposed to put your 2 week resignition notice in exactly 2 weeks previously you last planned day to work? Or can you put it surrounded by a few months in advance?
2 weeks spy when departure a brief?
It used to be the standard, that one gave 2 weeks notice when you relay the employer that you are leaving. But now it seem with more and more employers walking general public out the door way before the 2 weeks are up and not compensating them for this that I would push for everyone to only give 1 weeks discern, or give 2 weeks notice nd be prepared to be asked to start out early. Make sure you have adequate funds saved up and if you can start your new position earlier than planned.
20 Years older contained by nouns...?
Are there many opportunity for a 20 year old with SII Certificate within Securities, SII Certificate in Derivatives and a CII Certificate in Financial Planning next to 3 years work experience in a stockbrokers (not in a broking role but lots of exposure). Ideally, looking for a role the aim of mortal a trader. Is age an issue? Is the lack of degree an issue or have financial qualifications a plus? With these qualifications what would do you construe a fair minimum salary is. Thanks for any support!
20 years olds at work giving me a hassle no respect . rude so on?
i am an az driver thats a tractor trailer driver . anyway . i have to work with a few others kids really its a moving company . anyway the 2 kids within question have threatened me near vilonce the boss told to not to . but when there are 2 of them together and no boss around they do this. they wont do this when they are one on one with me . should i loaf for my day off and stir to there homes or just one home of them and play the drums the crap out of him . i am not really into this but they are beyond coprehesion. . i cant discribe how rude they are . so should i go to one of them off work and flog the crap out of him . i am a former corrections officer/police officer defence trainer . not a former cop i just trained the trainers. so battering the crap out of them would not be hard for me . i am 44 m ,. what do you think i should do .
25 year mature masculine beside no living experience and no coaching.Where can I gain a charge in haste.?
I'm 25 no high school diploma or GED the singular job I had be as a sign spinners on the weekends.
26yrs feeble and I build £200k a year BUT hatred my situation . should i quit?
This is a serious question I can't stand my job. I detestation it. I hate waking up surrounded by the morning, and I hate coming in. I brand name lb235k a year (nearly $500k) which is the ONLY thing keeping me going If I quit, with my testimonial, I could probably get a job for lb40'000 a year that I relish more what would you do? I'm really serious, because on the one hand I want a HUGE house etc ... on the other, am I wasting my life?!
2nd interview please give support to serious answers please xxxx?
i had an interview for an admin job a few weeks ago, he asked me approaching strengths weaknesses etc. i have be invited for a second interview. any ideas what he might ask etc. any advice would be great as i haven't worked for roughly 6 years due to having children. i need a work thanks in finance.
3rd time ive asked this and no answers. Please Answer!?
How old do I have to be to work as a child aid worker in Australia? How many years of schooling do i necessitate? Please - no stupid answers. If you answer properly, i will gladly try and answer as many question of yours as I can.
More Financial Services Job questions please visit : JobQnA.com
we found out our bonus and raise amount 2 weeks ago and i got $1250.00 back tha 45% tax and $700.00 raise im a bit pissed sour about the whole situation this is $400.00 smaller amount than the raise i got closing year. i remember my coworker opening her envelope and she had a big butter smile on her face and she is the one who is always discussion back to the boss etc etc...i dont know if i should talk to my boss give or take a few it...
**Can your own expertise be your own demise at ur position **?
I am very good at what I do on my desk and i also know adjectives the other positions in the departments. Seems like even control comes to me for stuff when they dont understand certain things. But for masses years they told me that they would keep me in mind when opportunity came up when i mentioned that I was bored and looked-for to do something different. Its almost as if they got scared and didnt want me to disappear my desk cause they think not a soul else can do it better. Its the trading desk and is highly complicated. But management have kept on passing me up on every opportunity that has come and gone..am i of late stuck at my desk cause they are too scared to tolerate me go? What should i do? I am not tooting my own horn im just sick of individual at this position and want to do something different but they seem to keep soothing me to keep me calm for the time mortal and then passing me by..is this true?
Hi there, I have a employment interview on Wednesday, and I HAVE to get this job. I would build double what I make now, and Id love it! PLEASE HELP,I blank out and am giddy, and don't know whats going on, and cant salary attention at interviews. HELP!?! what can I do? any tips on questions? Any online links that help?!?!? THANKS!
.. really? this is it?
I'm not sure if my expectations are off, or if it's the job bazaar right now. Please let me know what you have a sneaking suspicion that about this, and what I should do. I finished off my mba within may, and have a bsc electrical engineering. the only commission offers i've gotten so far have be internships.. no calls for jobs, a short time ago internships.. So i've taken up one that barely pays anything, and if i decide to stay the course, i'll be here another 6 months.. :( What humane of jobs should i be aiming for / expecting right now? I'm comparatively disappointed.
... chore set aside?
I went for 5 interviews meeting VP's, EVP's, Presidents, HR & the hiring proprietor and was offered the job, in black and white. One issue which had been discussed beside an EVP & HR was rather than a discretionary bonus, as national sale director a bonus based on asset growth is more aligned with their objectives & my nouns. It was received positively & with enthusiasm. It seem they have changed their mind as far as I can tell as not a soul is phoning me back. Over the last 10 days I've contacted HR & the hiring executive with polite follow up messages - no replies. My references are pristine and include a dune president. They had a third party agency beckon to check - odd judgement call - but worse, my reference felt they were uninformed & unengaged. The sandbank president gave a glowing recommend nevertheless. Clearly another contestant has appeared, cheaper & possibly better - I wish the best to the company & hope they grasp both...but this seems rude to me, is this standard hiring practice?
?HELP! i be these classes for a entry assignment within payroll clerk? also your experiences surrounded by the enclosed space?
HI, i was thinking of taking classes at local college for entry level situation as a payroll clerk, principles of accounting 1,payroll accounting, principles of federal taxation. if these classes are not enough what else would i need? and what are the work duties of a payroll clerk? what are the entry pay packet rates for this position? also i would like to know if these classes are enough for me to prepare peoples personal tariff form for extra cash?
{~Summer Job~}?
I'm looking for something to do during the summer, and I thought I might as well get some money. But the solitary problem is I don't know where to get a living and if anyone will hire a 15 year old. Does anyone have any suggestion? Thanx a Bunch!
12 year behind the times work?
My last question asked if i could be a caddie but i in fact need to know how to play. (thanks guys) What are some other jobs for a 12 year behind the times? laborish work, not lemonade or selling stuff, more like paper route but my neiberhood doesnt hold that
14 and inevitability brief?
im 14 and i wont a job but no pay i in recent times wont experiance and stuff i dont mined if its easy like going through email i dont mined
14 year mature need a career surrounded by corpus christi?
hi im 14 and need a job because my parents craft me pay for everything! my cellphone my jeans pants shoes cloths and stuff for fun and also they other go to cheap clothign stores that i hate and i repugnance becuase my friends are having cash and but stuff beside me broke and also my g/f is having so much more cash than me i can`t stand it and im 14 and in corpus christi and want a job as a bus boy surrounded by restraunts any1 hiring? i work for like 4 or 5an hour
15 year feeble job?
Are 15 year old aloud to post signs on the bulletin boards to advertise resembling what they can do. Like if they can tutor something to kids, or maybe babysitting, or lawn work. for some money.. are they aloud to do that?
15..involve a brief?
im 14, 15 in july and i want a job alot of my friends enjoy jobs in café and hairdressers and such like how do i find one?
16 year older commission, no food industry.?
hi im just now turning 16, and i be looking for a job that isnt a food industry. im good beside computers and many other things. does anyone have philosophy for a job?
17 years mature, can I work?
Hello there, Im a french students and im going to become an undergrad in Oxford Brookes soon. My one problem is my age: I am 17 and I wont be 18 until May... so here is my sound out: can i work? Im under 18 but over 14, so what does this mean for me? Will I individual get jobs resembling papper boy >< or can I work in shops or restaurant? Keep in mind that I am coming from outside the UK but still contained by EU Thank youu
17, dropping out of college, can I work officially?
I live in California, and I pretty much bombed in soaring school, I am credit deficient beyond repair and it's pretty much pointless to verbs. I want to start working and going towards getting my GED. Though I think California laws require citizens under 18 who are in university to have work permits through the university. Does this apply to dropped out students? I want a job over the summer, if I can't it's not a HUGE deal since I turn 18 contained by 4 months. If I can whats the best way to try and attempt to get a available job? Please help, Thanks
WELLS FARGO 13.00 AN HOUR fleet mortage company commisson + 400 a month allowance
2 moral job, which approach to budge?
Ok I left a great job because I saw plentiful others jumping ship and changes coming i wasnt sure of. I took another duty for more pay in my outdated field, am here for about 6 months and am not really sure If I want to step through the trials that go with tis area. A different exec of the company i left contacted me and wants me to come support, working for him, at a higher pay than when i moved out including a promotion. The one i have presently is more stable and less take-home pay (not much). the second one has some risks because it is a service type business. I have be thinkin about a career coach, but havent really look at them. Any planning?
2 question, work charter and earn money (13 yrs old) plz minister to!?
1. what is the age u can ge ta work permit? 2. what r some good ways for me, a 13 yr weak girl, to make money? i already do chores and get $10/week and surrounded by the summer im giong to babysit. im starting in the summer becuz of skool right now. what are some biddable ideas for earning money? i might start dog walking/pet strictness stuff for people in the summer 2. so yeah wat are some well-mannered ways to make extra cash?
2 week thought?
Typically, are you supposed to put your 2 week resignition notice in exactly 2 weeks previously you last planned day to work? Or can you put it surrounded by a few months in advance?
2 weeks spy when departure a brief?
It used to be the standard, that one gave 2 weeks notice when you relay the employer that you are leaving. But now it seem with more and more employers walking general public out the door way before the 2 weeks are up and not compensating them for this that I would push for everyone to only give 1 weeks discern, or give 2 weeks notice nd be prepared to be asked to start out early. Make sure you have adequate funds saved up and if you can start your new position earlier than planned.
20 Years older contained by nouns...?
Are there many opportunity for a 20 year old with SII Certificate within Securities, SII Certificate in Derivatives and a CII Certificate in Financial Planning next to 3 years work experience in a stockbrokers (not in a broking role but lots of exposure). Ideally, looking for a role the aim of mortal a trader. Is age an issue? Is the lack of degree an issue or have financial qualifications a plus? With these qualifications what would do you construe a fair minimum salary is. Thanks for any support!
20 years olds at work giving me a hassle no respect . rude so on?
i am an az driver thats a tractor trailer driver . anyway . i have to work with a few others kids really its a moving company . anyway the 2 kids within question have threatened me near vilonce the boss told to not to . but when there are 2 of them together and no boss around they do this. they wont do this when they are one on one with me . should i loaf for my day off and stir to there homes or just one home of them and play the drums the crap out of him . i am not really into this but they are beyond coprehesion. . i cant discribe how rude they are . so should i go to one of them off work and flog the crap out of him . i am a former corrections officer/police officer defence trainer . not a former cop i just trained the trainers. so battering the crap out of them would not be hard for me . i am 44 m ,. what do you think i should do .
25 year mature masculine beside no living experience and no coaching.Where can I gain a charge in haste.?
I'm 25 no high school diploma or GED the singular job I had be as a sign spinners on the weekends.
26yrs feeble and I build £200k a year BUT hatred my situation . should i quit?
This is a serious question I can't stand my job. I detestation it. I hate waking up surrounded by the morning, and I hate coming in. I brand name lb235k a year (nearly $500k) which is the ONLY thing keeping me going If I quit, with my testimonial, I could probably get a job for lb40'000 a year that I relish more what would you do? I'm really serious, because on the one hand I want a HUGE house etc ... on the other, am I wasting my life?!
2nd interview please give support to serious answers please xxxx?
i had an interview for an admin job a few weeks ago, he asked me approaching strengths weaknesses etc. i have be invited for a second interview. any ideas what he might ask etc. any advice would be great as i haven't worked for roughly 6 years due to having children. i need a work thanks in finance.
3rd time ive asked this and no answers. Please Answer!?
How old do I have to be to work as a child aid worker in Australia? How many years of schooling do i necessitate? Please - no stupid answers. If you answer properly, i will gladly try and answer as many question of yours as I can.
More Financial Services Job questions please visit : JobQnA.com