- 1). Eat foods that improve your concentration. The omega-3 fatty acids in oily fish and olive oil increase brain activity. Tuna and salmon, for example, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Free radicals (atom or atoms with unpaired electrons that change chemical structures) can cause damage, reducing memory and coordination; eating foods rich in antioxidants can combat this such as spinach, sweet potato and cranberry. The iron in spinach and red meats such as lamb is essential for brain performance. If you feel that your mind is flagging, the caffeine in coffee is well known to increase alertness.
- 2). Exercise your brain because it is similar to the rest of your body in that it needs training. Your brain will become used to concentrating if it practices daily. Set time aside, say 40 minutes a day, to work or study. This disciplined routine will improve your ability to concentrate.
- 3). Exercise your body. Physical exercise increases blood circulation, and blood carries oxygen and glucose that are essential for the brain to function properly. Your power of concentration will improve with regular exercise.
- 4). Improve your environment. Increase your concentration by removing distractions from your environment such as the telephone or television. Make yourself comfortable and have everything you need at hand. Choose a room that lifts your mood or decorate your office with pleasant decor. These things will help you to relax and focus.
- 5). Do one task at a time. Set time aside for your work or study because you cannot fully concentrate if you are worrying about other things at the same time. Deal with bills or chores after your allotted work time. Your concentration will improve if your mind is free from distraction.
- 6). Practice meditation before and after periods of concentration. Meditation helps to calm and quiet your mind and allows you to focus with clarity of thought. Your mental discipline will improve, facilitating your self-control and concentration.