Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Do not let unfair insurance practices destroy the Workers Comp Benefits you are entitled to

What is a work related injury?

A work related injury is ANY injury you suffer while on the job.  This includes any injury suffered while running errands for the benefit of your employer outside of the workplace, including many accidents in company parking lots, company events, company job sites and buildings.

Will I get fired if I report an injury claim?

California Workers Compensation laws protect you from any form of discrimination by your employer due to you being injured at work, or filing a workers compensation claim.  Most employers know better and follow the law, however there is no guarantee.  It is important to hire an experienced workers compensation attorney if you are injured to protect you against discrimination or termination should your employer decide to retaliate against you.

What do I do if the insurance company has denied my case or medical treatment?

You have a right to dispute any denial that the insurance company issues. In many situations I have recovered penalty payments from workers compensation judges for bad faith insurance company's  actions and tactics, that is why it is important to have an experienced attorney that will fight to obtain the benefits you are entitled to and who is willing to take the insurance company's bad-faith denials in front of a judge.

How do I know if my Employer  has Workers Compensation Insurance?

California law requires every employer to have workers compensation insurance, even if they have only one employee. Failing to have workers compensation insurance coverage for an employee is a serious offense punishable by a fine or imprisonment.  Even if you believe that your employer does not have workers compensation insurance, we can still help you; there is a specific state agency set up to handle claims on behalf of injured employees whose employers have no workers compensation insurance.

What benefits am I entitled to if I am injured at work?

You may be entitled to several different types of benefits, including, but not limited to: temporary disability, medical care and treatment, medications, permanent disability, mileage and travel reimbursement, expenses, lifetime pension payments, job retraining and penalties and interest for benefits not provided by the insurance company.
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