The skin condition known as acne, happens to nearly every person on this earth at one point.
Acne normally goes after puberty for a lot of us, but some people still have acne well after puberty.
Many men and women still have acne well in to their adolescent years.
A few studies have been conducted and it shows that acne seems to be increasing every single day.
The studies also says that this is a result of stress.
This day and age is the most stressful humans have ever been and this aggravates the acne.
When you get stressed the hormones start to become really imbalanced.
When it gets imbalanced the body starts producing something called sebum what causes the acne.
The sebum tries to escape from the body but it cannot so it creates spots called acne.
It wasn't until recently that people knew that nutrition was a very important factor when dealing with acne.
In the past oily food were encouraged because it was thought to help cure the acne.
In 2010 we know better because oily foods actually aggravates the acne and makes it even worse.
When you eat really oily foods it affects the hormonal imbalance making causing the mass production of sebum.
Sugary foods are also something to try and avoid.
Studies have shown that stuff with high levels of suger can affect the hormones in a negative way.
What Should I Eat? Fish.
Fish is an effective acne treatment to reduce the swelling of acne and eventually get rid of it completely.
The best type of fish to eat is salmon fish because the nutrients inside of it are very useful when trying to keep your hormones balanced.
Orange juice is another great way to get rid of the acne, if you drink it regularly you will see your skin get better.
Nuts and whole grains will also be an effective acne treatment, studies have shown when you put these two things together it works much better when you are trying to clear up your skin.
Acne normally goes after puberty for a lot of us, but some people still have acne well after puberty.
Many men and women still have acne well in to their adolescent years.
A few studies have been conducted and it shows that acne seems to be increasing every single day.
The studies also says that this is a result of stress.
This day and age is the most stressful humans have ever been and this aggravates the acne.
When you get stressed the hormones start to become really imbalanced.
When it gets imbalanced the body starts producing something called sebum what causes the acne.
The sebum tries to escape from the body but it cannot so it creates spots called acne.
It wasn't until recently that people knew that nutrition was a very important factor when dealing with acne.
In the past oily food were encouraged because it was thought to help cure the acne.
In 2010 we know better because oily foods actually aggravates the acne and makes it even worse.
When you eat really oily foods it affects the hormonal imbalance making causing the mass production of sebum.
Sugary foods are also something to try and avoid.
Studies have shown that stuff with high levels of suger can affect the hormones in a negative way.
What Should I Eat? Fish.
Fish is an effective acne treatment to reduce the swelling of acne and eventually get rid of it completely.
The best type of fish to eat is salmon fish because the nutrients inside of it are very useful when trying to keep your hormones balanced.
Orange juice is another great way to get rid of the acne, if you drink it regularly you will see your skin get better.
Nuts and whole grains will also be an effective acne treatment, studies have shown when you put these two things together it works much better when you are trying to clear up your skin.