- 1). Choose about five rules or behaviors that are the most important. According to Scholastic, "Most teachers agree that it's best to select only a few rules --- those that contribute to successful learning and an orderly environment. (It's too hard to remember a long list!)" Education World also lists using "rhymes or poems for remembering rules" once posted on a chart.
- 2). Positively state each rule or behavior. For example, write "Keep your hands and feet to yourself" as opposed to "Don't hit or kick anyone." Basically state what you want the student to do rather than what you don't want the student to do.
- 3). Write the rules in large print. When the rules are displayed, students should be able to see them from any place in the room so using a font that's large enough to read from a distance is important. If writing the rules by hand on chart paper or poster board, try writing each rule in a different color to break up the print.
- 4). Post rules in an area where students can see them. Display your rules at the front of the room or on a wall that students see often. Doing this will serve as a constant reminder of the rules and will allow you to easily refer to them during class if necessary.