- 1). Educate yourself on the four dichotomies of the MBTI. These are Extroverted/Introverted, Sensing/Intuitive, Thinking/Feeling, and Judging/Perceiving. If you know the preferences of your applicants on each of these dichotomies, you will better understand how they will interact as an employee.
- 2). Consider the source of a person's energy by understanding the Extroversion/Introversion dichotomy. Extroverts get their energy from other people and external sources and tend to seek out others or action to recharge. Introverts get their energy from within and tend to seek solitude and quiet activity to recharge.
- 3). Relate to how the person perceives information by understanding the Sensing/Intuitive dichotomy. Sensing people see the world through their senses, what is tangible, and what they have experienced before. Intuitive people see the world through interconnecting themes, nuances, and their "gut" feelings.
- 4). Respect how people form judgments or make decisions by understanding the Thinking/Feeling dichotomy. Thinking people make decisions by using logic, facts, and preponderance of evidence. They are objective and logical in coming to a decision. Feeling people make decisions by using interaction, value judgments, and their understanding of relationships. They are subjective and harmonious in coming to a decision.
- 5). Recognize how the person organizes their life by understanding the Judging/Perceiving dichotomy. Judging people live in a world of order. Everything has its right place and is intentionally organized. Perceiving people live in a world of effective and organized chaos. They are more likely to make decisions on a whim.