Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

The Root Of The Injustice In Our Political System

With the recent turmoil in our economy, the uncertainties shown on Wall Street, and the inconsistent if not blatantly "disconnected" thinking we find in our elected officials; do you ever wonder just why things are going wrong?? Well, I have always felt that it is because once a person decides to enter public service and face our political system, that person immediately becomes a "victim" in that he/she is required to seek monetary support in order to pursue their political goals (no matter how "noble" or "pure" they are initially).
It is a simply a matter of fact, precipitated by human nature, that campaign contributors "EXPECT a RETURN on their INVESTMENT".
So when one accepts money in support of their campaign, there comes with it an "IOU for that expectation" which will inevitably be "called in".
So how can anyone, then, expect a politician to act and/or make decisions with a clear reliance on simply the facts or whatever may be in the best interest of the constituents?? It simply can't and won't happen! Until we find a way to get our elected officials into office without having "sold away their souls" it will never happen.
I often thought that it was admirable for individuals like Ross Perot and Malcolm Forbes, who ostensibly could afford to run for office with their own funds and did not need to raise money from "supporters", to try to truly change things.
But such efforts on any "individual" basis is also simply in vain!! Any solution will require a CHANGE in the way ALL our elected officials are chosen.
So, how can this be done?? There could be a host of methods...
but ALL MUST eliminate the need for acquiring campaign funds.
First, we obviously have an overwhelming ability these days to "host" all the necessary campaigning through the mammoth media network we have...
TV, Radio, Internet, Print, etc,etc...
A system similar as has been done with "Pres.
& VP Debates" could be expanded upon and developed on both local and national levels with the time and cost being paid for by advertisers (as is always done anyway).
ALL Candidates would be allocated equal time and opportunity to discuss issues and their platforms in all the media outlets.
No need for "handshaking", baby-kissing, and buying $3,000 plate dinners.
I have always felt that they were ridiculous in the first place.
Most importantly, there would be no need for any candidate to "obligate" oneself for any "IOU" promised for campaign money!! Maybe then we cure the "injustice" of our political system..
and get things back on the right track.
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