Health & Medical Anxiety

Cure Panic Attacks at Social Gatherings

Using a few simple techniques can help cure panic attacks during public speaking.
Shyness is a common problem that affects people of all ages.
Very few people feel comfortable being at the center of attention and find it a nerve-racking experience.
For some, being in front of others can conjure up extreme feelings of fear and embarrassment.
People who get extremely anxious in social situations are likely to have social anxiety disorder.
This disorder although being one of the latest discovered anxiety disorders is now recognized as one of the most common.
Most adults who suffer from social anxiety have developed it from childhood.
Social anxiety in children can develop from repeated ridicule, criticism, rejection and other such negative conditioning.
As adults we still feel the pressure from others to perform and through our own self-criticism, we lose self-confidence and assertiveness.
Some people grow out of social anxiety or find a way in overcoming panic attacks while others remain fearful.
Possible situations that could trigger a panic attack for a sufferer are; speaking to your boss, giving a presentation, going to a social gathering and introducing yourself at a new job.
Panic sensations can be frightening especially when you have nowhere to run.
Fear can fuel itself developing into a full blown attack.
Hyperventilation, a choking sensation, trembling in the limbs and a thumping heartbeat; these are some of the hundreds of symptoms that can be experienced during an attack.
One of the things that worry people with social phobia is making a mistake in front of others.
This is why preparation is one of the best preventative measures to cure panic attacks.
When you know your content inside out, it takes pressure off you.
Get prepared by doing the research, getting everything down on paper and fine-tuning it.
Use prompt cards to help you, so you don't lose track.
Once you have everything in your head and down on paper all you need to do is start practicing it.
Better still, practice it in front of others if you can, even to your pet cat if there's no one around.
Practice both out loud and in your mind.
Visualization techniques can work wonders for rehearsing and is used by professional athletes, politicians to successful business people.
Furthermore, adding positive self-talk and using vivid imagery can boost your levels of confidence and reduce anxiety.
Firstly, get into a meditative state, breathing deeply and steadily, and begin to imagine a person who is confident to you.
If you can't think anyone, think about a motivational speaker such as Tony Robbins.
Watch them in your mind, paying attention to the way they stand, the way they talk, walk and gesture.
Now, slowly step into their body and adopt their behaviors.
Feel yourself ooze with confidence, and with this image in mind, imagine going through the presentation or speech that you have.
Imagine everything going perfectly and see yourself comfortable and relaxed.
Do this several times throughout the day and everyday up to the event.
Visualization exercises can help cure panic attacks for any social situation and help give you the practice you need to feel confident.
On the day mentally go through this positive picture one more time.
Relax your shoulders, smile, breathe easy and go for it! Remember, it doesn't matter if you make mistakes, just smile and move on.
Through self-help techniques, anyone can overcome anxiety and depression disorders.
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