- The average salary of a university lecturer was approximately $54,000 per year, as of 2009, according to the American Association of University Professors. This salary was significantly lower than the earnings of other faculty members, who made average salaries ranging from approximately $71,000 to about $124,000 per year, depending upon the rank of the professor. Only those with the rank of "instructor" made less, at an average of approximately $48,000 per year.
- Salaries for lecturers also depend upon the type of institution in which the lecturer is employed. According to the AAUP, the average salary for lecturers in public universities was approximately $52,000 per year in 2009. This salary was lower than the salaries earned by lecturers at other types of institutions. For example, the association indicates that lecturers in church-based colleges and universities made approximately $52,500 per year, while those in private independent colleges made nearly $63,000 on an annual basis.
- Education level also plays a role in how much the college lecturer makes. The AAUP indicates that those with a master's degree earned less than those with a doctorate degree. Whereas those with a doctorate degree made about $54,000 per year in 2009, those with a master's degree made approximately $50,000 per year.
- The overall job outlook for postsecondary educators appears to be positive for the period from 2008 to 2018. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the number of jobs for postsecondary educators will grow by about 15 percent during that time frame. As population growth continues to be the norm, the demand for college education for that population is expected to grow as well.
Average Salary
Institution Type
Education Level
Job Outlook for Postsecondary Educators