- Several species of small caterpillars known as sod webworms feed on and damage your lawn. However, grass can grow faster than the caterpillars eat, so water and fertilize the lawn to encourage rapid growth. Do not mow the grass too short.
- The larvae of certain beetle species can cause severe lawn damage by feeding on the grasses' roots. To prevent the arrival of grubs, avoid irrigating the lawn, as moist soil attracts beetles and encourages them to lay eggs. With minor infestations, water and fertilize to encourage the grass to grow and recover from damage.
- If the grubs have already arrived, aerator sandals can destroy populations without chemicals. Sandra Mason of the University of Illinois Extension reports research showing that walking your lawn three to five times in aerator sandals results in two punctures per square inch, enough to kill most grubs.
Sod Webworms
Grub Cultural Control
Grub Mechanical Control