Business & Finance Stocks-Mutual-Funds

Hot Stock Buys

Picking stocks can be a daunting experience.
With the hundreds of thousands of stocks available on the market, how do you know which one or ones to buy? How do you know which ones are the hot stock buys and which ones are the poor performers? And how do you know how many shares of stock you should buy, and within what price range, in order to meet your financial goals? There now exists computer software programs that can literally analyze a broad spectrum of the stock market for you and make "hot stock buy" recommendations.
Capable of processing millions of computations per second along millions of data points for several thousands of stocks, these computer programs can analyze trends and patterns, and make extrapolations on future performance of each stock with unparalleled mathematical precision.
Can you blindly trust a computer to issue you "hot stock buy" alerts? Well, can you blindly trust a human being to do the same? Nobody, not a human nor a computer, can predict the future.
Nobody can account for the socio-political conditions that influence the market globally.
A computer certainly cannot predict what the impact of a major political event will have on the market.
However, a computer can do something that even an army of professional Wall Street stock analysts cannot do: Calculate which stocks, out of the many hundreds of thousands, have the greatest statistical probability of increasing a surge in value within a very short time horizon, based on stock value and past performance.
Any financial advisor will advisor will ask you to "do your homework" before investing stocks.
That is absolutely true.
However, computer software programs can serve as a tool to help us make educated decisions on which stocks to buy or to sell.
They can also save us tremendous amounts of time, money, and energy that we would otherwise have spent on doing research on our own.
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