There's no denying the explosive power of web video content.
YouTube, Vimeo, Tumblr, Ustream...
the list goes on.
Each are, or are becoming, vigorous platforms for the broadcast of all types of information.
We've all seen and read how broadband has become the "black gold" commodity of our age.
Ten years ago, if we put or wanted to watch a three minute video online, it would takeat least ten minutes just for it to load!! Now, everything is so instantaneous, if we see that annoying pinwheel or the even the word "buffering" many of us become enraged (the author here excluded of course).
But besides the advancement in convenience, web video has become the most dominant method of online education and data.
CISCO independent studies predict that in ten years 90% of the web's data will be video.
90%!! So what does this all mean for the entrepreneur? Well, a lot.
We're social beings.
We grow and innovate collectively.
What better way to communicate than by not only telling people our ideas, passions or thoughts, but showing them as well? If you want to reach your audience and really make an impact, you need to be familiar with video sharing sites and start getting comfortable in front of the camera.
If you're not ready to put your face out there, you can always create a video using animated slides and add a voice over.
The point is, video is going to become THE method of delivery, and if you're not using it, you're not going to be seen.
COM (which can pretty much do no wrong) has a great lecture by Chris Anderson about just how web video content is pushing the boundaries of innovation forward.
YouTube, Vimeo, Tumblr, Ustream...
the list goes on.
Each are, or are becoming, vigorous platforms for the broadcast of all types of information.
We've all seen and read how broadband has become the "black gold" commodity of our age.
Ten years ago, if we put or wanted to watch a three minute video online, it would takeat least ten minutes just for it to load!! Now, everything is so instantaneous, if we see that annoying pinwheel or the even the word "buffering" many of us become enraged (the author here excluded of course).
But besides the advancement in convenience, web video has become the most dominant method of online education and data.
CISCO independent studies predict that in ten years 90% of the web's data will be video.
90%!! So what does this all mean for the entrepreneur? Well, a lot.
We're social beings.
We grow and innovate collectively.
What better way to communicate than by not only telling people our ideas, passions or thoughts, but showing them as well? If you want to reach your audience and really make an impact, you need to be familiar with video sharing sites and start getting comfortable in front of the camera.
If you're not ready to put your face out there, you can always create a video using animated slides and add a voice over.
The point is, video is going to become THE method of delivery, and if you're not using it, you're not going to be seen.
COM (which can pretty much do no wrong) has a great lecture by Chris Anderson about just how web video content is pushing the boundaries of innovation forward.