Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Is Surfing Traffic Exchanges A Waste Of Time

One strategy for marketing on the Internet is using traffic exchanges. It is interesting how various Internet marketers differ on whether this is a good use of your time or not. Some feel it is a waste of time, while others include it in their Internet marketing campaigns.

Here are 7 reasons I could come up with off the top of my head while I think traffic exchanges do work.

1. You earn credits which can be traded to get your ads shown. This is the main reason people surf traffic exchanges. You earn credits to get your ad shown for every ad you view.

Credits vary from one traffic exchange to do next. Generally the surf ratio increases if you take a paid membership in the traffic exchange.

2. You can spy on your competitors. You will be sitting staring at your computer for 10 seconds or so before a new ad pops up. Some of these people are your competitors and now you can see what they are promoting.

3. You might find something appealing to purchase or join. There are many Internet marketers using traffic exchanges so what you get to see their programs and products.

4. It is something anyone can do. This is a big reason new Internet marketers join traffic exchanges.

It doesn't take a lot of skill to click on ads and earn credits. It's also easy to set up your own websites, text Link ads, and banners because you don't need special skills to do that either.

5. Buy credits and increase your online exposure. As your business increases this is something you will want to do. Purchasing credits gives you exposure on a daily basis based on how many clicks per day you want to use.

6. Refer members and receive credits to get your ads shown even more. Traffic exchanges are always looking for new members so you can benefit from that.

When you find a traffic exchange that works for you you should let your email list subscribers and blog visitors know about it. Some will join with you just based on your recommendation.

7. Repetition will get people to your splash pages. This is a key point. You want other surfers to get used to seeing your ads.

You will also want to promote splash pages so you can build a mailing list to follow up in the future. Because of the short time surfers see your ad you need an appealing splash page that gets their attention and has a short form for them to fill out.

This is seven reasons why I feel surfing traffic exchanges is beneficial. You should make it a part of your overall advertising mix. This way you can benefit from additional exposure, more traffic, and new subscribers.
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