Business & Finance Corporations

Buy Local Santa Monica: Bringing city, community and local businesses together

Santa Monica resident, Lisa Axelred was introduced to Artful, a Santa Monica based decorative and functional art shop by her friend, Marty Smith who has been visiting the shop since its inception in 2004. It is not difficult to imagine why Artful has made a special place in the heart and minds of its patrons. A few minutes in the shop and you find yourself mesmerized with those beautifully crafted wooden clocks on the wall to the left and the unique match boxes sitting pretty at the entrance, next to a spread of intricately designed earrings and well crafted glass ring holders.


Owners Stephen and Barb Wittels stand outside Pedal or Not in Santa Monica After having lived in Santa Monica for nearly 25 years, Barb and Stephen Wittels were looking for ways to contribute to their neighborhood by providing both tourists and locals with an experience like never before. In Pedal or Not, they found their answer. Artful and Pedal or Not, are two of several local businesses in Santa Monica that have managed to stand through these tough economic times, due to the support of their local patrons. Unfortunately many others have not been so lucky.

Why is it important to buy local?

According to a recent study on the impact of local first campaigns on the economic health of communities, "a modest change in consumer behavior, a mere 10 percent shift in market share to independent businesses from chain stores, could result in a major economic impact to the area." When you purchase locally you are making an investment in the local economy, saving time and reducing your carbon footprint as everything you require is within walking or a biking distance. You are also not only nurturing your local businesses who are committed to investing back in the community and involved in its various activities but also supporting the livelihood of those who are employed by these local businesses – many of whom could be your neighbors, friends or family members. Keeping this in mind, Santa Monica business community and the City of Santa Monica launched the Buy Local campaign about a year ago to raise awareness among the community of the social, economic and environmental benefits of buying locally.


Santa Monica's Buy Local Campaign

Jennifer Taylor, senior development analyst, economic development at Santa Monica city says, "after recession several strategies were implemented to combat the effects of the recession and help the businesses market themselves to the community." The Buy Local campaign was born as a result. The campaign highlighted two facts. Firstly that whatever the SM community needed was available locally and secondly how buying locally could help support local business and benefit the city's economy at large. According to Taylor who continues to build and strengthen ties between city, community and businesses, the Buy Local campaign connected the city and businesses and brought them together. Taylor also talks about another new and exciting project which will be launched for the community this month. Known as the SM Marketplace, the website will be a one stop shop to buying locally in Santa Monica. Similar to the Groupon model, the deals will have a 24 hr window within which they have to be bought. The website is created by local resident Josh Miller, a Princeton student who has been born and raised in Santa Monica. In this venture he has partnered with Blue Sky Online, a Buy Local SM business that's based in Ocean Park, to launch the website and recruit local businesses. The website is scheduled to be launched on Nov 26th which marks the Black Friday.

How you can support and join Buy Local Campaign?

Spend $50 amongst three local businesses that you like, love or can't live without every month. Taylor mentions that all the city staff members who are a part of the Buy Local campaign are also participating in the project 3/50. If you are a Santa Monica based businesses, you can join Buy Local Santa Monica for free by simply signing up. Once you are inducted, you will receive marketing and promotional assistance, listing on Buy Local Santa Monica business directory, Buy Local window decal and several other opportunities to connect and network with the community. Taylor mentions that even big businesses like Apple, fall under the Buy Local Santa Monica gambit as they hire local people and help support the economy.

Explore, discover and support your Santa Monica local businesses this holiday season by buying locally.
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