Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Michael Thurmond “6 Week Makeover” and The Issue of Too Much Structure

The €6 Week Makeover€ from Michael Thurmond advertises the program's power to help you lose weight while you €eat more and exercise less.€ I have yet to meet anyone who has any concerns about their personal fitness that would not be intrigued by that combination of features.
In the course of my review of case studies and researching customer opinion, what I was looking for were two things. First, I wanted to see that there legitimate success stories following the program. Next, I wanted to figure out the mechanism. This is another way of saying the program's way of answering your question: €how do I lose weight?€
Right off, I do believe there are numerous user success stories being built and they are legitimate. I think that's a huge part of the equation in deciding whether to give readers a €buy€ recommendation. Results aren't everything though. I always have to look at the functionality and processes at work in the program. Then I want to figure out which particular users would be good candidates for the program I am reviewing.
No program, no matter how effective, is a good fit for everyone. Where I believe Michael Thurmond's program may be lacking is that it asks too much from people in terms of diet and maybe not enough in terms of exercise. This doesn't mean it isn't a good option for individuals. I especially think a program like this work best for people who are not well-grounded in proper diet principles and who have never been active.
Foremost, people in that position, need to understand food and how it effects their outcomes. This is where the €6 Week Makeover€ program shines. It is highly structured in terms of your eating and does a great job making the person map out a winning plan. My issue is that many times when I have either sought help to lose weight or have helped others, one sure way to wreck progress is to expect too much too soon with a nutrition plan that is too regimented.
The strength of Michael Thurmond's plan can also be fairly characterized as the greatest weakness in how it will work for some people. That said, it is a truism that no program is a great fit for everyone. My general preference is for more effort and structure with the exercise and looser parameters in nutrition. In defense of the €6 Week Makeover€ program, the central core is a very careful effort to make every plan unique to each individual user. This puts it on a pedestal above nearly every weight loss system on the market.
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