The automated processing of the check-in procedures has been the baseline of the creation and deployment of kiosks and this is the reason why the transportation industry such as the Mexican Airlines, Carnival Cruise Line and the Alamo & National Car Rental have used check-in kiosks to give their clients better customer service. Just like the other types of kiosks, check-in kiosks do not only provide added customer convenience but also improved service, reduced staff overhead as well as improved security measure during transactions. In fact, there is a huge part of the population who now prefer to use check-in kiosks due to its efficiency and that a total of 52% customers are comfortable using check-in kiosks and other self-service options. Check-in kiosks offer the following components to provide improved service to clients through the following:
1.)Passport and other document readers
2.)Credit card readers for easy payment options
3.)Verification reservation data for car rentals
4.)Printing of boarding passes at airports, car rental contracts as well as baggage tags
The check-in kiosks provide ROI opportunities to the transportation sectors. For instance, airline check-in kiosks allow several airline companies to share the same kiosk and offer different services to clients thus giving impressive savings to the companies. Here are the situations when check-in kiosks provide ROI opportunities to the transportation sector.
1.)Customer output is also increased thereby customer service is also improved. Clients need not go from one window to another just to book tickets or make inquiries about schedules. In fact, there is an improved of about 87% customer passenger thereby doubling the number of customers that can be processed every hour.
2.)Kiosks also offer 49% savings in floor space requirements thus the facility can optimize its space for other uses. In fact, the free space can also be used to improve sale of the companys ancillary products such as insurance, fuels and so on.
3.)Kiosks offer 58% savings on equipment costs for shared kiosks especially with multiple participating companies thus reducing the redundant equipment purchase of the companies involved.
4.)Offers 100% accurate data collection thanks to the security measures such as bar code scanners and other devices.
1.)Passport and other document readers
2.)Credit card readers for easy payment options
3.)Verification reservation data for car rentals
4.)Printing of boarding passes at airports, car rental contracts as well as baggage tags
The check-in kiosks provide ROI opportunities to the transportation sectors. For instance, airline check-in kiosks allow several airline companies to share the same kiosk and offer different services to clients thus giving impressive savings to the companies. Here are the situations when check-in kiosks provide ROI opportunities to the transportation sector.
1.)Customer output is also increased thereby customer service is also improved. Clients need not go from one window to another just to book tickets or make inquiries about schedules. In fact, there is an improved of about 87% customer passenger thereby doubling the number of customers that can be processed every hour.
2.)Kiosks also offer 49% savings in floor space requirements thus the facility can optimize its space for other uses. In fact, the free space can also be used to improve sale of the companys ancillary products such as insurance, fuels and so on.
3.)Kiosks offer 58% savings on equipment costs for shared kiosks especially with multiple participating companies thus reducing the redundant equipment purchase of the companies involved.
4.)Offers 100% accurate data collection thanks to the security measures such as bar code scanners and other devices.