About two years ago a poker professional told me that the easiest money in poker lies at the sit n go tables.
He was more correct than I first thought, there is so much easy money sitting at those sit n go tournament tables that it is almost ridiculous.
Here I will tell you a few tips on how you can start cashing in playing sit n go poker.
Take a tight and straight forward approach at the beginning This is the simplest part of any sit n go tournament, you will basically just wait and wait.
At the beginning you only want to play hands like JJ-AA and AK.
With AA and KK you can always go all in, of course not immediately but when somebody raises you just shove it all in there, you get called surprisingly often.
With JJ, QQ and AK you should be more careful, if there are two players all in ahead of me I just dumb these hands.
Now when there are lots of limpers in the pot you can get into a pot from a late position with much weaker hands, but just remember to get rid of them if you don't flop anything big.
Recognize the type of opponents you are facing Usually the professionals tell you to find out if your opponent is tight aggressive, loose passive and so on but for sit n go tournaments it is a different deal.
The only thing you have to do is recognize the good and the bad players.
At middle stages of the tournament when you might have to do some stealing to keep your stack healthy, this knowledge is very useful.
From bad players you can steal with simple bets, but to steal from the good players it might just take a re-raise to get the job done.
When things get tough, get tougher! At the bubble stage of the sit n go tournament you are not really playing against the other players, but rather their chip stacks.
Usually those players that has an average stack are the easy target here, if the blinds are big just bomb them with all in bets continuously no matter what you are holding.
Naturally if someone raises before you, just fold unless you have something massive.
Remember, push those that you think you can push and leave the rest to be.
About 90 percent if not more of the sit n go players are losing their monies at the tables.
This is why I have chosen this as my primary form of poker, I make money with it!
He was more correct than I first thought, there is so much easy money sitting at those sit n go tournament tables that it is almost ridiculous.
Here I will tell you a few tips on how you can start cashing in playing sit n go poker.
Take a tight and straight forward approach at the beginning This is the simplest part of any sit n go tournament, you will basically just wait and wait.
At the beginning you only want to play hands like JJ-AA and AK.
With AA and KK you can always go all in, of course not immediately but when somebody raises you just shove it all in there, you get called surprisingly often.
With JJ, QQ and AK you should be more careful, if there are two players all in ahead of me I just dumb these hands.
Now when there are lots of limpers in the pot you can get into a pot from a late position with much weaker hands, but just remember to get rid of them if you don't flop anything big.
Recognize the type of opponents you are facing Usually the professionals tell you to find out if your opponent is tight aggressive, loose passive and so on but for sit n go tournaments it is a different deal.
The only thing you have to do is recognize the good and the bad players.
At middle stages of the tournament when you might have to do some stealing to keep your stack healthy, this knowledge is very useful.
From bad players you can steal with simple bets, but to steal from the good players it might just take a re-raise to get the job done.
When things get tough, get tougher! At the bubble stage of the sit n go tournament you are not really playing against the other players, but rather their chip stacks.
Usually those players that has an average stack are the easy target here, if the blinds are big just bomb them with all in bets continuously no matter what you are holding.
Naturally if someone raises before you, just fold unless you have something massive.
Remember, push those that you think you can push and leave the rest to be.
About 90 percent if not more of the sit n go players are losing their monies at the tables.
This is why I have chosen this as my primary form of poker, I make money with it!