Picture an investment banker. You might start with the shoes: a freshly shined pair of calfskin Oxfords. Then the clothing: a navy blue suit, crisply pressed white button-down shirt, and a tienot too funky, not too flashy. Hair: neatly combed and clean-shaven. This picture is almost as accurate now as it was fifty years ago. Except that on most iBanking floors today, you would find a few less full suits, a more diverse proliferation of hairstyles, and a decent share of skirt suits, heels, and ponytails.
But dont let appearances fool you, investment banking jobs in todays world are not what they were a few decades ago, nor do they take place in exactly the same kind of institutions. Indeed, investment banking is a constantly evolving sector.
First, the deep history: private banks began providing investment-banking services in the early 19th century, but the true father of the investment bank on American soil was Philadelphian Jay Cooke. His Jay Cooke & Company, in existence from 1861 to 1873, bought and sold securities for clients via telegraph. After the Civil War era, there was a financial service boom that ultimately split the nascent investment banking world into two camps: the German-Jewish one (i.e. immigrant bankers) and the Yankee house one. That gave way to an early-twentieth-century domination of the market by a tight fist of firms, some of which are still around: J.P. Morgan & Co; Kidder, Peabody & Co; Brown Brothers; and Kuhn, Loeb & Co. The first bulge bracket was born.
Then from 1933 to 1999, banks were not allowed to function as both investment banks and commercial ones. They had to pick. This was because of the Glass-Steagall Act, passed right after the 1929 Stock Market Crash, which was appealed just before the turn of the millennium by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. Able to again underwrite securities while also taking deposits, commercial banks entered or re-entered the iBanking game. For example, Morgan Stanley found a new competitor in its once-father company J.P. Morgan, which had gone the commercial bank route in the 1930s.
Fifty years ago, iBanks focused on advising clients on public offerings and mergers and acquisitions. Come the 1980s, that trend was superseded by proprietary trading, which spans stocks, bonds, commodities, and derivatives and trades on a banks own money rather than that of its customers.
What changed the face of investment banking most of all is what changed the face of most businesses: technology. With computing devices and then computers, trades could happen faster than ever before, at greater volumes than ever before, and in response to more subtle fluctuations than ever before. Investment banking jobs would and never could look the same again.
But most significantly for current candidates, since your grandfathersand since your father and older cousins time, toothere has been that still all-too-recent and painful event called the Great Recession, or the Lesser Depression, or that terrible thing that happened in 2008. Those seeking investment banking jobs today are up against tougher standards, slighter chances, and a much larger pool of candidates than their predecessors. And investment banking institutions are still paying for and changing practices because of the mistakes made by those predecessors. Banks in 2008 might have benefited from a history lesson of their own: In 1907, J.P. Morgan (the man) apparently locked top banking executives (from more than just his namesake bank) in his office until they came up with a solution for that years famous banking crisis.
But dont let appearances fool you, investment banking jobs in todays world are not what they were a few decades ago, nor do they take place in exactly the same kind of institutions. Indeed, investment banking is a constantly evolving sector.
First, the deep history: private banks began providing investment-banking services in the early 19th century, but the true father of the investment bank on American soil was Philadelphian Jay Cooke. His Jay Cooke & Company, in existence from 1861 to 1873, bought and sold securities for clients via telegraph. After the Civil War era, there was a financial service boom that ultimately split the nascent investment banking world into two camps: the German-Jewish one (i.e. immigrant bankers) and the Yankee house one. That gave way to an early-twentieth-century domination of the market by a tight fist of firms, some of which are still around: J.P. Morgan & Co; Kidder, Peabody & Co; Brown Brothers; and Kuhn, Loeb & Co. The first bulge bracket was born.
Then from 1933 to 1999, banks were not allowed to function as both investment banks and commercial ones. They had to pick. This was because of the Glass-Steagall Act, passed right after the 1929 Stock Market Crash, which was appealed just before the turn of the millennium by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. Able to again underwrite securities while also taking deposits, commercial banks entered or re-entered the iBanking game. For example, Morgan Stanley found a new competitor in its once-father company J.P. Morgan, which had gone the commercial bank route in the 1930s.
Fifty years ago, iBanks focused on advising clients on public offerings and mergers and acquisitions. Come the 1980s, that trend was superseded by proprietary trading, which spans stocks, bonds, commodities, and derivatives and trades on a banks own money rather than that of its customers.
What changed the face of investment banking most of all is what changed the face of most businesses: technology. With computing devices and then computers, trades could happen faster than ever before, at greater volumes than ever before, and in response to more subtle fluctuations than ever before. Investment banking jobs would and never could look the same again.
But most significantly for current candidates, since your grandfathersand since your father and older cousins time, toothere has been that still all-too-recent and painful event called the Great Recession, or the Lesser Depression, or that terrible thing that happened in 2008. Those seeking investment banking jobs today are up against tougher standards, slighter chances, and a much larger pool of candidates than their predecessors. And investment banking institutions are still paying for and changing practices because of the mistakes made by those predecessors. Banks in 2008 might have benefited from a history lesson of their own: In 1907, J.P. Morgan (the man) apparently locked top banking executives (from more than just his namesake bank) in his office until they came up with a solution for that years famous banking crisis.